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The Chinese government has promised to take a tough stance on intellectual property infringement and counterfeit cases. Vice minister of Commerce, Jiang Zengwei says at a press conference in Beijing, that China will step up its mechanism and systems, give more bite to law enforcement, and create a sound environment for rights protection.

The vice minister of Commerce said China has made remarkable progress in the protection of intellectual property rights over the past years.

However, he acknowledged regressions in some regions, which have led a few countries to form the view that the Chinese government does not practice what it had promised.

Jiang Zengwei said, "The special action has effectively curbed rampant infringement in certain regions. However it also shows we are facing a very serious task. The central government will require local governments to take general responsibility in fighting infringement and counterfeiting. It will also provide general guidance on leadership, as well as coordination in key markets and key areas. The local governments and state level supervisory departments will carry out the specific measures, and step up oversight of grass root levels."

Strengthening IPR protection is necessary for China to comply with its international obligations. It is also an essential move, paving the way for China to transform its economic growth model to one built on innovation.

It is now a national strategy. The government has taken steps in legislation, law enforcement, publicity, and training to enhance social awareness of IPR protection.

It has published yearly since 2006, an Action Plan on IPR Protection, putting in place over one-thousand concrete measures.

In 2010, more than 12, 000 international patent applications were filed in accordance with the Patent Cooperation Treaty. The growth rate was 55.6 percent over 2009, which was the fastest increase in the world.

The country rose from the fifth to the fourth place in terms of patent application. China also promised to strengthen international exchanges and cooperation to promote the healthy development of intellectual property.