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2011 has been another huge year for the film industry with plenty of summer blockbusters, 3D epics and thrill-packed action films. Don't know which one to choose?

It has come as a big surprise to many that one of the hits with critics this year is a mostly silent, black and white film with a French director and lead stars.

"The Artist" heads the Golden Globes with six nominations, among them Best Comedy or Musical, and acting honors.

Kate Muir, chief film critic of The Times, said, "Because it's silent, it's really crossed all the barriers and people find it absolutely charming, very moving, very glamorous and it's really given cinema a whole new lease of life and certainly lots of awards are going to it now in America and it's very much being listed as one of the films for the Oscars."
《泰晤士报》首席电影评论家Kate Muir表示:“因为它是无声的,它真的跨越了所有的障碍,人们觉得它绝对迷人,非常感人,非常有魅力,它真的让电影院重生了,当然,现在它将获得美国的很多奖项,它非常有可能成为奥斯卡获奖影片之一。”

Another movie that really caught Muir's eye was Terrence Malick's "The Tree of Life," but, she said, it may not be to everyone's taste.

Kate Muir said, "(The Tree of Life) was the great, big, huge, epic kind of art film with the most beautiful cinematography and a superb performance from Brad Pitt and Jessica Chastain. Lots of people didn't understand it, lots of people loved it. It's a bit of a divider."
Kate Muir表示:“《生命之树》是好的、大的史诗类艺术片,拥有最漂亮的电影摄影艺术,还有布拉德.皮特和杰西卡.查斯坦茵的卓越演出。有很多人不理解它,有很多喜欢它。它有点像条分割线。”

Based on the 2003 novel by Lionel Shriver of the same name, "We Need To Talk About Kevin" is a shocking tale that wowed critics everywhere.

Kate Muir said, "I think the British film we're sort of most proud of is 'We Need to Talk About Kevin' with a superb performance by Tilda Swinton as the mother of a serial killer and it's done by Lynne Ramsay and beautifully filmed as well, so that's another one I liked."
Kate Muir表示:“我觉得,我们最引以为豪的英国电影可以说是《凯文怎么了》,演技一流的蒂尔达.斯文顿饰演了一位连环杀手的妈妈,它是琳恩.拉姆塞导演的,影片拍得很漂亮,所以这是我喜欢的另一部电影。”