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A new year means new resolutions and new wishes. But of course, the higher you aim, the more challenges you face. Our reporter Liao Ruochen went to meet some people hoping to find their dreams in 2012.
新年意味着新的决定、新的希望。但是,当然,你的目标越高,你面临的挑战就越大。我们的记者Liao Ruochen前去访问一些人,希望了解他们在2012年的梦想。

It is new year. Li Yu is attending a language school in Beijing. She completed a law degree from Hong Kong last summer and returned to Beijing a few months ago.
现在是新年。Li Yu在北京一所语言学校上学。去年暑假,她在香港完成了一个法律学位,几个月前回到北京。

Li Yu, Lawyer, said, “I specialized in economic law, I really want to help many Chinese companies to go to foreign market, or help foreign companies to go to Chinese market. So this is what I want to do "
律师Li Yu表示:“我的专业是经济法律,我真的很想帮助许多中国公司走向国外市场,或者帮助外国公司进入中国市场。所以这是我想要的。”

Like Li Yu, many Chinese professionals go to English classes after work to stand out in the job market.
和Li Yu一样,为了能在就业市场脱颖而出,中国许多专业人士工作之后都去上英语课。

Liu Shuo, Teacher, said, “These student who has work experience, they are more motivated, they know more about what they want. "
教师Liu Shuo称:“这些有工作经验的学生,他们更有目的性,他们更加知道他们想要的是什么。”

Three years ago, Li Yu gave up a comfortable life to study law. Now she is eager to use what she learned to achieve her full potential. But before that, she has to rebuild her connection with the city.
三年前,Li Yu放弃舒适的生活去学法律。现在她渴望运用她所学的东西来发挥她最大的潜能。但是在那之前,她必须再次与城市建立联系。

" So this time is my first new year’s festival with my family members after graduation. So I really cherish this opportunity to be with my family. I am a little bit worried to what extent I can use what I learned in my future work and I think I have the ability to overcome any difficulties " Li Yu told us.
Li Yu告诉我们:“所以这是毕业之后我第一次和家人一起过新年。所以我真的很珍惜这个和家人在一起的机会。我有点担心我在将来的工作中能将我所学的东西运用到什么程度,我觉得我有能力战胜任何困难。”

The city allows Li Yu to explore the endless possibilities of her future. Now all she needs is an answer in 2012.
这个城市允许Li Yu去探索未来无尽的可能。现在,她所需要的是2012年的一个答案。

In Chinese tradition, people put on new clothes and light up firecracker to celebrate a symbolic new beginning. But for a lot of people like Li Yu, their lives are undergoing huge changes. There are difficulties and challenges, but there is always hope. Liao Ruochen, CCTV, Beijing.
在中国人的传统中,人们穿上新衣服,点燃炮竹来庆祝一个象征性的新开端。但是对许多像Li Yu这样的人来说,他们的生活正在遭受巨大的改变。虽然有困难、有挑战,但是总是有希望。央视记者Liao Ruochen北京报道。