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破冰工作 艰苦但是值得


In the tunnels of China’s remote mountains, ice forms easily in the winter. To ensure trains run smoothly along the tracks, a special group of workers are at hand. These ice-breakers walk more than ten kilometers every day in the tunnels, breaking the icicles that could cause trouble.

This is how the ice-breakers work in tunnels. Small as it is, the icicle on the 8-meter high roof is big trouble for the electric wires.

Long Fangbin, Ice Breaker, said, "If the ice reaches the wires, the whole electric net would be cut, and the electric-driven trains won’t be able to work."
破冰工人Long Fangbin称:“如果冰结到电线上,整个电网将会被中断,电动火车就不能工作了。”

The ice breaking pole is made of insulating materials. It’s 6 meters long and weighs about 5 kilograms -- not easy to lift up.

"It’s really not an easy job."

"It’s teamwork. If nobody helps you to lift it up, you’ll fail."

Long and his colleagues need to check for ice every three hours. Or even every hour when the temperature drops extremely low. Besides knocking down the ice, the workers have to keep a close eye on the passing trains.
Long Fangbin和他的同事每天需要对冰检查三次。当温度降到极低的时候,甚至每个钟头都要检查。除了破冰,工人还得密切注意经过的火车。

The train is coming!

Tian Hong is the only female in the group. Her job is to alert others of coming trains. There are enclaves spaced every 10 meters apart for workers to stand in when trains pass. This is a move they have to make every ten minutes at the most, bracing against the strong wind and fumes sweeped up by the speeding trains.
Tian Hong是组里唯一的女性。她的工作是提醒其他人火车来了。火车经过的时候,工人们就站在相隔10米的小地方上。这是他们最多10分钟就必须做的动作,可以抵抗快速行驶的火车带来的强气流和扬起的难闻气味。

Ice Breaker Tian Hong said, "In the coldest days, my hair would be frozen into ice."
破冰者Tian Hong称:“在最冷的日子里,我的头发会结冰了。”

During the four months’ ice-breaking season, Tian and his colleagues must walk as far as tens of kilometers carrying their heavy equipments.
在为期四个月的破冰季节里,Tian Hong和她的同事必须带着沉重的设备走几十公里远的路。

Ice Breaker Zhang Jilin said, "The snow last year is more than 30 centimeters high on the road. We were all white with snow."
破冰工人Zhang Jilin表示:“去年道路上的雪高达30多厘米。我们身上都积满雪,白茫茫的。”

However, this is not the toughest part. The workers say waking up for work from a deep sleep is the real struggle.

"No matter if it’s one o’clock in the morning or four o’clock in the morning, you have to go to work if on duty. It’s really tough deep in the night. But we have to, or else ice will be formed." Long Fangbin said.
Long Fangbin称:“不管是凌晨1点钟还是凌晨4点钟,如果你当班你就必须去工作。在晚上这真的很艰难。但是我们不得不去,否则就会结冰。”

Hard as it is, the job is some workers’ life-long-choice -- like Long. He has been in this occupation for more than 20 years. Long says he is satisfied with his work, as he can provide a good life for his family.
虽然很辛苦,但是这份工作是一些工人终生的选择,Long Fangbin就是像这样。他干这份工作已经有20多年了。Long表示,他对他的工作很满意,因为他可以为家人提供好的生活。