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This year, Asian neighbors China and Japan will mark 40 years of diplomatic ties. And starting today, they will also hold a "Friendship Year of People-To-People Exchange". Thursday's opening ceremony in Beijing featured performances and a special exhibition from Japan. Liu Haining reports.
今年是亚洲邻国中国和日本建交40周年纪念。从今天开始,他们将举行“国民交流友好年”。星期四在北京举行的开幕式以表演和来自日本的一个特殊展览会为特色。Liu Haining报道。

With signature Japanese drum performances and memorable moments of rebuilding after the 2011 earthquake, the Friendship Year of People-to-People Exchange between China and Japan officially begins.

Uichiro Niwa, Japanese Ambassador to China, said, "I believe ordinary people from China and Japan should have the opportunity to talk to each other face to face and enhance mutual understanding. That's the key meaning of 'people-to-people exchange'. I hope these kinds of events can be held in as many places as possible."
日本驻中国大使Uichiro Niwa表示:“我认为,中日的普通民众应该有机会面对面交谈,增进相互了解。这是‘国民交流’的重要意义。我希望此类型的活动可以在尽可能多的地方举行。”

It's also the launch of "Vibrant Japan" exhibitions in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. Japanese prefectural governments, especially those hardest hit during last year's earthquake and tsunami, welcome visitors from China.

Shunji Iizuka, policy administrator of Fukushima Tourism Promotion Bureau, said, "We come here to show the original attractions of Fukushima, to let people know what Fukushima was like before the earthquake and how we have recovered so far. We hope to have more Chinese visitors this year, which is also the 40th year of Japan-China diplomatic relations."
福岛旅游促进局政策管理员Shunji Iizuka称:“我们来这里展示福岛的原始景点,让人们知道地震前的福岛是什么样的以及到目前为止,我们恢复到怎么样。今年也是中日建交的第40个年头,我们希望今年有更多的中国游客。”

In 2011, nearly 1.6 million Chinese visited Japan, and about 3.66 million Japanese traveled to China. 342 cities are matched up in a sister city program.

China and Japan normalized diplomatic relations in September of 1972. They agreed to mark 2012 as a year of friendship for people-to-people exchanges under the theme of "encounters with new friends and bonds of hearts".

Liu Jiangyong, vice dean of Inst. of Modern Int'l Relations, Tsinghua Univ., said, "Since the normalization of China-Japan diplomatic relations, people from both countries have been hoping for peace and mutual understanding, instead of conflicts and war. It's the foundation of a healthy relationship. I think we should keep this in mind when the 40th anniversary comes."
清华大学现代国际关系学院副院长Liu Jiangyong表示:“自中日外交关系正常化以来,两国人民一直渴望的是和平和相互了解,而不是冲突和战争。这是健康关系的基础。我认为,在40周年到来之际,我们应该将这一点就在心里。”

CCTV's Liu Haining said, "In recent years, China and Japan have witnesses some ups and downs in mutual relations. How the next 40 years will look like does largely depend on how well that peoples living in China and Japan understand each other."
央视记者Liu Haining称:“近年来,中国和日本在外交关系上出现一些沉浮。未来40年两国关系将会怎么样,很大程度上取决于现在的中国人和日本人相互了解得怎么样。”