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Beijing plans to invest a billion yuan to maintain and renovate over 100 historical heritage sites. 6 of them are on UNESCO’s world heritage list. Beijing, 3000 years of history, and one of the world’s highest concentrations of world cultural heritages.

But years of economic development have resulted in the destruction of ancient city walls, siheyuan courtyard houses, and other architectures. Yongdingmen, an ancient gate in south Beijing, was demolished and then rebuilt.

Many heritage sites, including the former residences of celebrities, were pulled down despite legal and policy protection. Long-time residents feel that the government should do more to save the ancient architecture.

"Many old heritage relics have already gone. Beijing’s symbol is its many ancient cultural heritages. Without them, the city does not look like Beijing."

The municipal government is taking note. It plans to invest 1 billion yuan to maintain and renovate historical sites, including temples, imperial gardens, residences and siheyuan courtyard homes.

The six UNESCO-listed world heritage sites in and around Beijing, such as the Great Wall and the Forbidden City, will also undergo preservation work. The purpose of the project is to re-create the ancient city’s crenellation structures. But one expert, who backs the plan, still says it’s a poor imitation of the ancient architecture. He says protection should start before renovation is needed.

Zhang Yang, director assistant of Beijing Tsinghua Urban Planning & Design Inst., said, "Cultural relics have authenticity. Once they’re gone, rebuilding is loosing their original beauty and glory."
北京清华城市规划与设计研究所副所长Zhang Yang称:“文化遗址具有真实性。一旦没了真实性,重建就是去了原始美和荣耀。”

China is undergoing huge changes as its economy grows rapidly. But modernization should not be carried out at the expense of its ancient culture heritages. Protection and preservation is an urgent matter.

The restoration project of Beijing’s historic sites is the largest of its kind since the founding of New China in 1949. It’s another effort by the city to protect its ancient structures. The conservation process may face challenges, but once completed, future generations will get a chance to see their rich cultural heritage.