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The 11th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference has wrapped up its last plenary session in Beijing. Chairman of the top advisory body’s National Committee, Jia Qing-lin said the country’s political advisors have dealt with people’s expectations and he called for equal enthusiasm throughout the remainder of their term.

Hello and good-bye - CPPCC members take photos prior to their last meeting.

Qiu Aici, CPPCC member, said, "This is my last session at the CPPCC. I hope for better quality and efficiency in the future. "
政协委员Qiu Aici称:“这是我的最后一次政协会议。我希望未来能有更好的质量和效率。”

Jiang Xiaoyu, CPPCC member, said, "In the past five years, we have advised and deliberated extensively on government affairs. This tenure will benefit my whole life."
政协委员Jiang Xiaoyu称:“过去五年里,我们为政府事务提供了意见、进行广泛商讨。这个任期将使我终生受益。”

Ju Honghua, CPPCC member, said, "Coming from the grassroots, I’ve submitted proposals on healthcare in Qinghai province. And I find the conference is effective to get the message across."
政协委员Ju Honghua称:“我来自基层,我提交了对青海省医疗的建议。我觉得这次会议是有效地传播了信息。”

From the transformation of the economic growth pattern, to the social security net, from universal access to education to combating corruption, China’s advisors have addressed the people’s most pressing needs.

Jia Qinglin, Chairman of CPPCC National Committee, said, "Altogether they submitted to this session 833 speeches, 6,069 proposals, and 1341 fact-finding reports on social conditions and popular sentiments, and offered many valuable comments and suggestions."

2012 is the second year of China’s 12th five-year plan, and the last year of the term for this Conference. Jia says the members have made the most of their principal role as a bridge between the people and the government.

Although this is the last session, it’s not the end of their work.

Jia Qinglin, Chairman of CPPCC National Committee, said, "It’s my hope that in the last year of their term of office, all members will remain enthusiastic, cherish this opportunity, carry out their responsibilities, make innovations and contributions to the state and the people. "

The last plenary session means that some CPPCC members will retire from the advisory body. But their role to consult and supervise has left its mark. For five years, members have shared their opinions through proposals and intense discussions. And this lively, if sometimes heated, exchange of ideas has helped make heard the voices of China’s diverse population.