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Southeast Asia has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, but as the influx of millions of tourists fuels development, the question of what to do with rubbish they generate is a major problem. One tiny island in the Philippines is showing the way. CCTV correspondent Barnaby Lo reports on how Boracay is balancing tourism and the environment.
东南亚成为全球最受欢迎的旅游目的地之一,但是,在几百万名游客涌入该地区并带来发展的时候,如何处理他们产生的垃圾成为一大主要问题。菲律宾的一个小岛正在展示这种方法。央视记者Barnaby Lo报道长滩岛如何平衡旅游和环境的发展。

It’s the diamond of the Philippines’ tourism industry. Boracay Island with its fine white sand and pristine blue waters has managed to attract tourists from all over the world, even as the Philippines continues to lag behind its neighbours.

Last year, close to a million tourists came. This year, there’s been a record 200, 000 in just the first two months. The boom in tourism has fuelled businesses and has created jobs, but it’s also produced a mounting garbage problem.

It was just half a decade ago when mountains of garbage were quickly piling up, threatening to damage the beauty of the island paradise. Local officials realized then, that while tourism was generating profits, cleaning up was also a serious business.

And unless garbage is properly segregated, plastic from glass bottles, paper products from organic waste, they won’t be collected. Business owners also face penalties ranging from fines to the cancellation of their licenses.

Everyday, dozens of these trucks come here. This is one of three facilities where Boracay’s garbage at least 20 tons of them a day end up

But this is not a dump site. It’s called the Materials Recovery Facility or the MRF, and here, nothing, not even a shred of paper goes to waste. These women make necklaces out of cigarette boxes, while the men sort out glass and plastic bottles. Broken glass bottles are then crushed to tiny pieces, processed to become cement and then finally sculpted into floor tiles that are sold locally.

Dana Maming, who supervises the facility, says the MRF has truly been a blessing to Boracay. Dana Maming said, "Many locals now have jobs because of the MRF. And if not for the MRF, we probably won’t have the beautiful Boracay we still have today. "
设备的监督者Dana Maming称,材料回收设备真正是长滩岛的福气。Dana Maming表示:“许多本地人因为材料回收设备而有了工作。如果不是有这些材料回收设备,我们可能就不会有现在我们还拥有的美丽长滩岛了。”

The question is, with the number of tourists expected to double in the next few years, and with hotels and restaurants opening left and right, can the tiny island of Boracay handle the growing volume of garbage?

Wilbec Gelito from Boracay Tourism and Transport Committee, said, "Yes, we are still able to handle garbage. That’s the only way to bring more people to the island to our potential that Boracay is clean."
长滩岛旅游运输委员会的Wilbec Gelito表示:“是的,我们仍然能够处理垃圾。将更多人带到这个岛的唯一方法是长滩是整洁的。”