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Chinese culture is set to take centre stage at this year's London Book Fair. In the run up to the event on Monday, an exhibition of Chinese seals and calligraphy by artist Luo Pengpeng is being held at the Royal College of Art.

The words of ancient Chinese philosophers. Luo Pengpeng has carved their sayings on these walls revealing the secrets of Chinese.

With thirty six works on show, Luo has consistently dedicated herself to exploring new methods or ideas to create seal cuttings while preserving the cultural achievements of ancient China. Each piece, she says, is a fusion of traditional culture and contemporary innovation.

With the exhibition being held in London, Luo made several seal cuttings bearing English sayings.

Luo Pengpeng said, "Seal cutting originated in China thousands of years ago. I want to show not only Chinese culture in my works, but also English culture. And in this way, it makes more people here in the UK get to know what this traditional Chinese art is."

Featuring China's tea culture as well as Guqin, the exhibition showcases many elements of Chinese culture. It also expresses the link between Chinese civilization and art.

The exhibition runs until April 22nd.