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In Hong Kong, a hotel is offering the chance to relive Titanic’s last supper experience on Saturday, April 16.

From waiters’ uniforms to the plates, everything here will remind you of the historic night the Titanic went down. Housed inside a 130-year-old building, the Hullett House Hotel is set to serve a ten-course-meal to mark the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic by sampling from the luxury liner’s last menu -- as well as actual wine salvaged from the wreck.

Charging a price of $15,000 Hong Kong Dollars per head, the hotel has carefully researched the meal to make the dinner worth the price in all dimensions.

Gregoire Valentin, manager of St. George Restaurant, said, "For the table setting, as you can see behind me, we’ve really done a lot of careful research. For example, how to prepare the napkin, it’s exactly like that in the Titanic’s first-class restaurant. And also, all the cutlery, the glasses, we’ve done a lot of research to make sure they closely resemble the Titanic."

The menu was an innovative showing back in 1912, even if many of the feature dishes are now quite common. But the food is not the star of the evening.

Philippe Orrico, executive chef of Hullett House, said, "The star of the menu is basically, unfortunately not the menu itself, but the story. It’s the story of the Titanic, this menu has been served one time only, and we all know the story is a bit tragic. It’s a bit of history. Everybody knows about it. I think the interest is here, it’s a moment, and it’s a moment of life."

The first dinner is by invitation only, but the menu will then be offered to the public until the end of May at 3,800 Hong Kong dollars per head for parties of eight or more.