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It’s sparked a phenomenon that’s catching on around the world. Gourmet cupcakes have become a prominent item in bakeries. Some of the bakeries even specialize solely in the American dessert. "Sprinkles Cupcakes" in Beverly Hills, California is credited with starting it all. Our U.S. Correspondent Michaelene Tetteh spoke with the founder and heard how her creativity is leading to other sweet ideas.

Candaced Nelson, Sprinkles Cupcakes Founder, said, "There’s so many food traditions that we borrow from other places but cupcakes are uniquely American and those so nostalgic. We all grew up eating cupcakes out of our lunch boxes or kids birthday parties. We have these associations. The cupcake is made just for you it’s made just for you. It’s an individual and personalized treat. So much more special than a whole cake and carving a slice out of a cake."

Candaced Nelson, Sprinkles Cupcakes Founder, said, "I thought that this would be a fun business but never in my wildest dreams did I think that 7 years later there would be 10 stores and a "Cupcake Wars" show on the Food Network. It’s really surprise even me. We’ve cupcake shops proliferate in the United States. I hear about new ones internationally everyday. "

Jennifer Lee, Sprinkles Cupcakes Customer, said, "I just love dessert a lot and I feel like they have some really fun flavours and everything I get always tastes really good."

Michaelene Tetteh, Beverly Hills, Carlifornia, said, "Just weeks ago Sprinkles introduced the world’s first "Cupcake ATM". Just touch the screen, select the flavor you desire, pay with your credit card, and a fresh cupcake is presented to you."

Chelsea Gill, Sprinkles Cupcakes Customer, said, "You can get it at anytime! It’s awesome! How many times have you wanted a cupcake at like 3am? That’s what I’m saying. It’s perfect. "

Candace Nelson, Sprinkles Cupcakes Founder, said, "It would be a dream for me to open in China. As a young girl I actually lived in Honk Kong for a while, also in Singapore and Indonesia. So I definitely have roots in the Asian region."