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China's manned spacecraft Shenzhou-9 has begun its first change of orbit, after Saturday’s launch. The three astronauts are all well and have finished their planned tasks.

China’s Flight Control Center guided the spacecraft into its initial orbit in the early hours of Sunday morning, Beijing Time.

Then, the three astronauts monitored the orbit change process from their capsule. They then changed from their spacesuits into lighter work clothes.

Then engineers on the ground were able to speak to them for the first time.

Chen Xin, Deputy Director of Chinese Astronaut Research & Training Center, said, "We are glad our female astronaut is feeling good. This is the first time we’ve been able to make contact with each other. We will get her latest information. "

Other changes in orbit are still needed as the spacecraft prepares to dock with space lab module Tiangong-1.

The rendezvous and docking exercises between the two vessels will be an important test of China’s ability to master the technology required to build a space station by 2020.