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The first ever waiter and waitress race took place Saturday in Buenos Aires. Some 400 waiters and waitresses were tested for speed by racing through the city carrying trays.

The excitement was palpable as contestants readied themselves for the task at hand: to make the three kilometer trek to the finish line with their tray’s contents intact. Each tray contained one glass of wine, one bottle of coke and one bottle of water. Winding their way through the city, the racers’ concentration was obvious as they kept their eyes on their trays and on the pavement in front of them. In the end, Juan Anibal from the province of San Juan won the trophy.
当参赛者准备好即将到来的比赛时,兴奋溢于言表。他们将端着完整的餐盘经过三千米的跋涉,向终点线冲刺。每个餐盘含有一杯酒,一瓶可口可乐和一杯水。当他们蜿蜒的穿过这座城市时,参赛者的注意力毫无疑问地聚集在了餐盘和路况上。最终,来自圣胡安省的Juan Anibal赢得了奖杯。