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US President Barack Obama has pledged to deepen the collaboration between the US and the African continent on Wednesday. The summit produced about 37 billion US dollars in investments, and more than 50 African heads of state and government officials attended the summit. Girum Chala reports from Washington.

Following up on this week’s new US engagement with Africa-- some observers say the United States needs to change not only its policies but also its mind set for dealing with Africa.

"I think we need to step up our game for siren understand that Africa is a new Africa. The economies are booming. There is tremendous opportunity. So now is the time for America to back its companies for that investment on the continent." Said Jendayi Elizabeth Frazer, FMR. US Assistant Sec. of State for Africa.

Here in Washington, nearly 50 African heads of state have been holding talks with the US administration in what’s being seen as a gear-changing summit.

US President Barack Obama harkened back to his visit to Africa-while talking of his vision for future relations.

"When I was travelling throughout Africa last year what I heard was the desire of Africans not just for aid but for trade and development. That actually helps nations to grow and empowers Africans for the long term. As president I made it clear that the United States is determined to be a partner in Africa’s success. A good partner, an equal partner and a partner for a long term." Said Barack Obama, US President.

The economic performance of Africa since the turn of the twenty-first century has been impressive, even in the aftermath of the global financial and economic crisis.

That success has clearly emboldened African leaders to set their own terms in relations with the US and others.

"In fact this is the first year that Africa will have more foreign direct investment than aid. And it’s like the tipping point in terms of changing the way the continent is perceived. And I think this summit very much responds to that call. Now whether it can materialize what has been announced is something that we will have to check and see whether it happens." Said Carlos Lopez, Executive Secretary of UN Econimic Commission for Africa.

At such an extraordinary gathering of leaders-- many are wondering why the continental peace and security issues of Africa were not given greater attention. The fierce fighting in Libya, for example, was not a main agenda item for discussion.

It is not only the US that needs to prepare itself to make the best with any relations with the west or the east.