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Hong Kong is currently holding its annual toys and games fair. It's the largest of its kind in Asia, and the second largest in the world.

And it's a lift-off! Not your typical remote-controlled toy - but a personal drone, fitted with professional equipment. The price tag nearly Three thousand U-S dollars.

"You've got that little camera over there looking at us right now. It's a camera, isn't it?" Correspondent Cathy Yang asks.

"Yes. The professional is now using this one, and some is for entertainment and leisure," says Lou Tsz Ming, managing director of Windrider.

"But you've got to have a license for actually operating the drone," Yang says.

"Yes, in Hong Kong, we have a pilot license to operate the drone," Lou says.

If you find that too fancy for your wallet - or too complicated for the little one - You can probably go for this.

"Little bear. It's like a little kid," says Jason Warren, founder of Roam and Wander.

Feed it, clean it, befriend it: Didi's the name - and this plush, fitted onto an iPad or Tab - can be had for 75 U-S dollars."

"I feel it like a little portal here, you might want an apple this time," says Yang.

"Yes, you might want an apple. You've got those there. If you feed it too much," Warren says.

And these are just some of the newest offerings in this year's annual toys and games fair in Hong Kong, in what is the largest event of its kind in Asia, the second biggest in the world.

In this corner, interactive gadgetry where one finds Augmented Reality or "A-R", helping one learn the alphabet by bringing animations alive.

Or bringing out the Picasso in you - well, almost - by moving a still picture - through an app. Smart toys like these are all the rage. But a fair like this will never go without the autobots.

"Because the parts is divided into 70 parts, you can do a lot with them. It has a high mobility," says Ken Tai, marketing and PR manager of Herocross.

The price A hundred 16 U-S dollars for what this toy company alternatively describes as part of their "Deformers" collection, a little something to stash with the rest of your haul from the annual toy fair.