The Competitive Friend
Personality Profile for The Competitive Friend
Step 1: What She'll Do(你的朋友总是这样)
Competitive friend will try to out-do you in every area of your life. You'd think that because you're best friends she'd curtail her natural instinct to compete with you but in reality it just makes her worse.
She might be your work colleague, school friend, even your oldest mate, but if you buy those shoes you've had your eye on, she'll go and get a more expensive pair. Introduce her to your hot new boyfriend, and she'll produce her own, better looking one. Get a great new job? Guess what - hers is better. Lose a few pounds? She'll shed even more
Step 2: What You Can Do(怎样和这种朋友相处)
The Competitor may find it impossible to curb her annoying completive nature. So, if you want to stay friends with her, you're gonna have to sit through her brags and boasts and accept that she's not interested in hearing about your life. But if you just can't face it and want out, watch "How to dump a friend" and kick her competitive arse out!
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