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Choose workout clothes that are comfortable and will give you the confidence and motivation to succeed.

You Will Need

Polyester or spandex material
Wicking fabric
Outer layer to protect from weather
Reflective clothing

Step 1: Choose clothes that fit(选择合适的尺寸)
Make sure your workout clothes fit your body and the type of exercise you plan to do.

Don’t wear clothes that will get in the way of your workout.

Step 2: Choose fabrics(选择有张度的纤维制品)
Choose fabrics that are stretchy and durable such as polyester and spandex.

Step 3: Look for moisture wick fabric(选择透气性较好的)
Look for moisture wick fabric for high-impact exercises such as aerobics, jogging, or kick boxing.

Wicking fabric keeps your body cool by lifting moisture away from your skin.

Step 4: Keep weather in mind(注意天气的冷暖变化)
Keep the weather in mind if you exercise outside. Wear an outer layer that protects your skin from rain or strong winds.

Step 5: Dress warmly in winter(冬季运动注意保暖)
Dress in layers that can be removed in the winter months. Cover your ears, head, and hands from the cold.

Step 6: Invest in reflective material(选择比较亮的运动衣,路上的驾驶员可以远远的看见)
Invest in clothes with reflective material so you are visible to drivers.

Step 7: Keep exercising(坚持运动)
Keep exercising. Small changes in your lifestyle can lead to a longer and healthier life.

Forbes reported that the most expensive pair of tennis shoes produced was a specialty design of Nike Air Force One shoes that, if retailed, would sell for at least $1,000 a pair.