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You’re a true individual — why shouldn’t your workout regimen reflect your personal style? When it comes to getting fit, you just gotta be you!

You Will Need
Desire to exercise
While this video is awesome, it didn’t go to medical school. Always consult your doctor for actual medical advice.

Step 1: Go intense
Classic type-A personality? Embrace that can-do spirit! Sign up for an intense spin class, or for power or Bikram yoga. Hone your inner gladiator through martial arts training, or by joining a competitive amateur sports team.

If you’re really hardcore, pack yourself off to fitness boot camp.

Step 2: Work out with a friend
Perhaps you’re a social butterfly — more schmoozing than sweating. Get a workout partner for walk, runs, bike rides, or tennis games, or sign up your office for a softball league.

Step 3: Find alternatives
Maybe you’re the indoors type: You only run when chased, and the gym just brings to mind painful middle school memories. Bond with other merry misfits by joining an ironic kickball, dodgeball, or office-chair polo league. Or take part in a LARP (live-action role-playing) battle.

Step 4: Get in touch
Nature nut? Honor the Earth Mother by trail running or hiking in the hills. Center your breathing — and your chakras — on a fitness retreat, or feel the flow in a trace dance class.

Don’t forget to spread the love — get certified to teach Pilates or yoga.

Step 5: Cross-train
Too spontaneous to settle into a routine? Break through boredom with cross-training, switching up your workouts every other day. Or hop on the trendy train with whatever fitness craze is of the moment.

Step 6: Start small
Maybe you’re just really, really lazy. Start with baby steps — without leaving your couch. Play video games that get you moving, or follow along with TV shows designed to get you healthy. You gotta start somewhere!

Studies show exercise not only promotes better sleep, memory, and creativity, but it also can lead to better sex — for both men and women.