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If you’re tired of peas and green beans, give butternut squash a place at your table.

You Will Need1 ¾ lb. butternut squash
2 tbsp. unsalted butter
½ c. chicken broth
¼ c. water
1 tbsp. dark brown sugar

Step 1: Wash and peel squash(将冬南瓜,削皮)
Wash and peel your butternut squash with a vegetable peeler. Remove any seeds.

Your squash should have a matte skin. If it’s glossy it was picked too early.

Step 2: Cube squash(切成丁丁)
Cube your squash, cutting squares about ¾ of an inch big.

Step 3: Sautee squash(略微地煎一下)
Melt butter in a large skillet. Add the squash and saute it, stirring occasionally until it’s browned, for about 15 minutes.

The sauteed squash should be tender enough to pierce with a fork.

Step 4: Add remaining ingredients and caramelize(添加鸡汤,水和红糖,熬成焦糖)
Add the chicken broth, water, and brown sugar. Cook until the liquid is gone and the squash is caramelized, for about 6 minutes.

Step 5: Salt and pepper(添加盐和胡椒)
Remove your squash from the heat and add salt and pepper. Not only is this side dish tasty, it’s got lots of nutrients for a healthy you.

Summer squash has a soft edible shell or skin and winter squash has a hard shell or skin.