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1. 比较 few 和 a few:两者均表示复数意义,few 表示数量很少或几乎没有,强调“少”,含有否定意义:a few 表示数量虽然少但毕竟还有,强调“有”,含有肯定意义。比较:

His ideas are difficult, and few people understand them. 他的想法很难懂,很少有人理解。

His ideas are difficult, but a few people understand them. 他的想法很难懂,但有些人能理解。


He has few reasons for staying, has he? 他留下来理由不充分,对吧?

2. 有时为了强调few的意义,表示数量很少,可在其前使用too, so, very,, rather等修饰语。如:

There were too few people at the meeting. 参加会议的人寥寥无几。

There are so few that I can’t give you one. 太少了,我不能给你一个。

We met rather few people who spoke English. 我们没遇到几个会讲英语的人。

Very few people are really happy with their body shape. 真正对自己体形感到满意的人很少。

3. 其比较级和最高级分别为 fewer, fewest。如;

I’ll try to make fewer mistakes next time. 我下次要少犯一些错误。

I’ve got fewer problems than I used to have. 我现在的问题比过去少了。

The translation with the fewest mistakes isn’t always the best. 错误最少的译文并非总是最好的。

4. 用作形容词,其后可直接跟名词,无需用 of;但是,若其后名词之前有限定词修饰或者是代词或从句等,则必须要用介词 of。如:

Few of them know this. 他们当中没几个人知道这一点。

A few of these books are mine. 这些书当中有几本是我的。

5. 单独使用的few是泛指的,但是当它受定冠词修饰时,它表示特指意义,即用来指指已经确定或熟悉的某个小群体,其意为“为数不多的”“少数的”。如:

Guests were crowded into the few remaining rooms. 把客人都挤在剩余的几个房间里了。

若the few单独使用(即其后不接名词),它与the many相对,意思是“少数人”,这是一种非常正式的用法。如:

Real power belongs to the few. 真正的权力掌握在少数人手里。

6. 用于what few,其意为“极少的(几个)”“仅有的(几个)”,虽然强调数量很少,但仍有一定的肯定意味;这样用的what与定冠词的用法相似,用于说明特指的可数名词,有时可以与定冠词换用,意思不变。如:

What few friends she has are out of the country. 她仅有的几个朋友都在国外。

The ten men have packed what few belongings they have. 这10个人已将他们仅有的一点行装打点好了。