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  填字游戏 crossword puzzle

  半职业选手 semi-pro

  后代 offspring

  快餐店女服务员 fuddrucker


  身心俱疲 undergoing stress

  咖喱 curry

  争吵 scene, ex. She just wanted to avoid having a scene with him.

  (指防盗门上的)对讲机 intercom, ex. From the ~

  一目了然 fairly self-explanatory

  晚饭我请 dinner is no me

  我不在行 I’m no expert.

  Leonard吃玉米会不消化的。Leonard can’ process corn.


  花生油 peanut oil

  老毛病 pathology

  备用钥匙 spare key

  吊装带 lifting belts

  胸大肌 upper-body strength

  香草味 vanilla

  啰嗦 chatty

  非常醉人 intoxicating

  小菜一碟 easy-peasy

  我去开门 I’ll get it.


  很老套 very old school

  小事一桩 snap

  迷恋 infautuation

  防狼喷雾 pepper spray

  追求符合我这个层次的人 go after so my own speed

  刮腿毛 shave one’s legs

  无师自通(的专家) self-taught expert

  在某事上纠结 quibble over sth

  看上某人 get one’s eye on sb

  出汗 perspire

  陶艺 pottery

  还没恢复过来 haven’t quite bounced back

  近在眼前了。Just a few more feet..

  沉住气。Don’t panic.

  站着别动。Stay frosty.

  各就各位。Lock and load.

  他是有点儿帅。He’s kind of dreamy.

  我觉得你没戏。I don’t think you have a shot there.

  或者看到人类受伤而袖手旁观?Or through inaction allowed a human being to come toharm?

  已经断网半个小时了。Internet’s been down for half an hour.

  没刻在石头上(暗指某事可以变更)。It’s not carved in stone.

  事情就这么水到渠成了。This thing is going the distance.

  这事情肯定会被搞定的。I’m sure things will pick up.