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  障碍物 roadback

  消除压力 kick the pressure off

  缠着某人 corner sb

  奇闻异事 anecdote(s)

  可信的 plausible

  取得了质的飞跃 make an amazing leap forward

  口感 vis-à-vis taste

  被解雇了 get canned

  刹车 brake

  高尔夫球场 putt-putt course

  成批购买 buy in bulk

  卫生巾 tampons

  更年期 menopause

  织披肩 weave serapes

  披风 poncho

  暴躁 crabby

  于某人吵架 fall out of sb

  大发脾气 have a fit

  慷慨 bounty

  回到人生正轨 get back on one’s rocker

  水果派 cobbler

  猪油 lard

  欺负 ass-kickings

  先不提这个。Put it on a backburner.

  帮我抹一下(指在食物上涂酱)。Shmear me.

  这是我十年来的第一个假期,我要好好享受。This is my first day off in decades, and I’m going tosavor it.

  你今天怎么没去上班?How come you didn’t go into work today?


  我现在在休假。I’m taking a sabbatical.

  我不要对那种俗人低三下四。I won’t kowtow to mediocre minds.

  她生理期到了。It’s her time of the month.

  谢谢您匆忙赶了。Thanks for coming on such short notice.

  我的生活,我自己做主。Capable of living my life as I see fit.

  我老得盯着他。He’s got my eyes.

  他很拗。He’s stubborn.

  他会一直呆到他满意为止。He may stay in there till the rapture.


  我的话是不是让他们紧张?Did I pluck a nerve there?

  你会吓着他的。You’ll spook him.

  振作起来! Snap out of it!

  快点! Now, let’s get crackin!

  出发!Let’s shove off!

  我们没那么多时间。We’re losing daylight.

  我们可能一开始就没看对眼。We may have gotten off on the wrong foot.

  再说吧。We’ll see.


  对…无能为力 be vulnerable to

  如果你还有兴趣,… If you’re up for it, …

  引诱 seduce

  求爱期,追求期 courtship

  清爽的饮料 refreshing beverage

  代我向某人问好 give my best to sb

  安慰 platitude

  我正好擅长口技。I happen to be a human beatbox.

  你疯了? Are you insane?


  在某方面糟透了 suck at sth

  彩弹枪 paintball

  (彻底)消灭,歼灭 annihilate

  暗算 frag

  融入她的社交圈 in the context of her social group

  尿床 bed-wetting

  展示 parade

  我周六有个派对。你们如果有空就来吧。I have a party on Saturday. So if you are around, youshould come on by.

  注意了! Just heads up!

  我相信是时候采取行动了。I believe it’s time for me to turn my head and cough.


  想法 notion

  留人过夜 (n.)houseguest

  袭击 marauder

  麦片 cereal

  随从 entourage

  主菜 entrée

  剩菜 leftover

  对牛弹琴 talk to a wall


  隐身 cloak

  睡得踏实。Sleep tight.

  我来说给你听听。Let me walk you through it.


  干涉 meddle

  比…更加重要 greater-than-average

  将听某人唠叨个没完 can’t hear the end of sth from sb.

  调酒 mix drinks

  无糖可乐 diet coke

  续杯 refill

  无忧无虑 carefree

  摊牌 showdown

  带摄像头的电脑 a computer with a webcam

  喜悦与满足 hunky-dunky

  闹腾 obnoxious

  秃顶 vestigial tail