这盘重来(用于下棋)reset the board
传染的 contagious
否决 (n.)negatory
叫外卖 have sth delivered
否决某人 shout sb down
晕倒 pass out
脏的 stinking
临时的 aluminum
基本规则 ground rules
备用品( n.) spare
喋喋不休 whiny
胸毛 chest hair
打结(指Howard胸毛打结) mat
鼻塞 congested
他已经有妄想症了,不过他已经找到了地方呆着。He’s paranoid, and he’s established a nest.
非常吃香的 highly sought-after
强弩之末 dead end
助学金 grand money
从…偷渡 smuggle sb out of some place
巧克力点心 ding dong
社交能力 people skills
摆一个宴会 put out a spread
男主角 man of the hour
催化剂 catalyst
排斥 repulse
物极必反 off-putting
折磨我吧。Lay it on me.
我有了不祥的预感。I sense a disturbance in the force.
请随手关门。Please close it behind you.
最多12年了。12 years, tops.
洒…在…上 spile on
庸俗的 tawdry
拉风的 kick-ass
我觉得… I move that…
快开始吧(迫不及待的心情)fire away
香草味的 vanilla
提醒 heads-up
打心理战 use psychological warfare
尴尬的 awkward
考虑到… …given that…
说吧 proceed
单挑单练 y mano a mano
严正以待 nice and loose
一鼓作气 come to play
士气如虹 got your game face on
奖杯 trophy
放水 forfeit
你把大家都弄得没兴趣了。You are taking all the fun out of it.
我们必须以牙还牙。We must reply in kind.
有时为了团队你必须得牺牲个人。Sometimes you’ve got to take one for the team.
有点男人样,伙计。Sack up, dute.
让我们直接开始。Let’s jump right in.
他哑口无言的。He’s got squat.
放马过来。Bring it on.
彻底的 unmitigated
洗车房 car wash
烹饪知识 culinary science
淘宝 sniping
淘宝人 sniper
撮合A和B fix A up with B
言行 demeanor
了解某事 pick up on sth
我没多想一时定下的嘛。It was a spur-of-the-moment thing.
多丢人啊!How lame is that!
你从哪里看出来的?What was your first clue?
我今晚真是太强了。I’m on fire tonight.
这个失败是显而易见的。That failure clearly stands on its own.
吞噬 swallow up
古怪的 quizzical
用鱼叉捕鱼 spearfish
闪开 back off
把…推销出去 pimp sth out
随便问问 catch up
跟某人带话 pass along to sb
收通行税的人 toll-taker
开门见山地说 We’d be a lot further along in this.
打住,就此收手 cut it out
平手 stalemate
没有共同语言 have no overlapping areas of interest
闲谈 chitchat
直接说吧 here’s the deal
无聊举动 frivolity
DVD刻录机 DVD burner
创伤 trauma
普通话 mandarin
假冒 pass off
趁虚而入 cop a feel
亲热一下 make out
扔骰子 roll the dice
怨妇 whinny and annoying
喜欢某人 crush on sb
第六感 psychic
反胃的 nauseous
搞砸 blow