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  Problems Probably Confronting a freshman
  Possible Problems:
  1. Psychological problems such as loneliness, homesickness and inadaptability.
  2. Language problems such as inability to understand the local dialect.
  3. Local foods disagreeable to one’s taste.
  4. Can not adapt to the climate very well.
  Suggested Solutions:
  1. A college orientation session should be held to familiarize the freshmen with the exciting school life.
  2. Some special advisory and consultative committees should be established to meet the psychological needs of the new students.
  3. Seniors students should be called on to offer help to their new younger schoolfellows.
  4. Different kinds of foods and accommodation should be available to students from different places and backgrounds.
  5. Some campus activities involving new and old students’ participation should be organized to familiarize the new with the campus life, such as a welcome party to be held by the school authorities.
  6. Fresh should try to be independent and self-reliant.
  7. Keep regular emotional contacts with one’s family members and former classmates.
  8. Active participation in the campus life is essential to removing loneliness and disorientation.
  Pocket Money
  1. Help the children understand the value of money and how to use the money responsibly.
  2. The money parents give help the children learn to manage money, and they can understand how budgeting, saving and interest work. In this way, they can develop wise spending habits.
  3. It helps raise a money-savvy child.
  4. Cultivate a spirit of independence and learning to make decision on one’s own.
  5. Such goal-setting helps children learn to become responsible for themselves.
  6. Children are willing learners, and you will find by giving pocket money, you can get them very interested in whole process of building a healthy saving for the future.
  7. Young children especially enjoy watching the money build up in their piggy banks, and they love to take it out and count it. This is a great opportunity to teach your child the different denominations in our currency, and what each coin and bill is worth.
  8. It is the beast way to introduce your child to the concept of saving.
  9. Money management is seldom taught in schools; it is up to the parents to educate their children in this very important life skill.
  10. It is a way to help educate children about personal finance and managing money.
  11. Parents don’t have to worry about being constantly asked to buy things for the kids.
  12. Children can learn how and why to save money.
  To Play, or to Compete?来源:和谐英语
  ɔ1. Organized sports activities bring damage rather than benefits to children both physically and psychologically.
  2. Physically, as they are still at the stage of developing bodies, hard exercises and tough playing will be inappropriate for them.
  3. Psychologically, winning and losing—the keynote of adult life --- may mean too heavy a burden for children who should have fun and enjoy the game at that age.
  4. The primary goal of a professional athlete– winning – is not appropriate for children. Their goal should be having fun, learning, and being with friends.
  5. Children will benefit more from those programs emphasizing fitness, self-esteem, cooperation, sportsmanship, and individual performance.
  6. Besides physical hazards and anxieties, competitive sports pose psychological dangers for children.
Nature or Nurture
  1. Learning is very important in determining who we are.
  2. You can’t change your genes, but you can choose how to live your life.
  3. If we take identical twins, and give one the best environment possible, and put the other one in closet for eighteen years, the differences will be profound, and caused totally by environmental differences between the two children.
  4. Identical twins living in parallel universes do not necessarily lead identical lives.
  5. Environment is more influential.
  6. There is also substantial proof that an individual’s environment affects his mental aptitude.
  7. It is often difficult to separate learning from our biology because we begin learning at the moment we are born.
  8. Biology certainly determines part of what we are, but we start learning as soon as we are conceived.
  9. We hardly separate biologically determined behavior from learned behavior.
  10. Socialization is learning. Socialization refers to all learning regardless of setting or age of the individual.
  11. A person’s entire environment seems to be more effectual in determining his mental ability than heredity is.
  12. Experiments such as these ones prove that a person’s environment can have a crucial effect on him and on his manner of thinking.
  13. A study done in Great Britain in the late 1980s shows that nutrition plays a very large role in a person’s development.
  14. Starving people across the globe show why lack of nutrients in human bodies can stunt mental evolutions as well as physical growth.
  15. Unique environmental factors (unique to children reared together) cause differences in behavior.