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  How to Manage Stress
  The Present Situation and Its Effects:
  1. Stress is your reaction to something you consider a challenge or a threat. Stress is a natural part of life. Modern people are stressed out or under too much stress.
  2. Stress is a natural part of life.
  3. Stress is hard to define because it means different things to different people; however, it is clear that most stress is a negative feeling rather than a positive feeling.
5. Some stressors are so powerful that they would evoke significant emotional distress in most mentally healthy people, and trigger mental disorders.
  1. You may feel physical stress which is the result of too much to do, not enough sleep, a poor diet or the effects of an illness.
  2. Nowadays the social competition is becoming fiercer and everyone wants to cope with adversity and to flourish in their education, vocation, and personal relationships.
  1. If your stress is chronic, it may require more attention and lifestyle changes.
  2. Exercise. Regular exercise is a popular way to relieve stress. Twenty to thirty minutes of physical activity benefits both the body and the mind.
  3. Hobbies. Take a break from your worries by doing something you enjoy. Whether it is gardening or painting, schedule time to indulge your interest.
  4. Healthy lifestyle. Good nutrition makes a difference. Limit intake of caffeine and alcohol, get adequate rest, exercise, and balance work and play.
  5. Share your feelings. A conversation with a friend lets you know that you are not the only one having a bad day, caring for a sick child or working in a busy office. Stay in touch with friends and family. Let them provide love, support and guidance. Don’t try to cope alone.
  6. Lower demands you put on yourself. Live for today. Don’t dwell in the past of worry about the future.
  7. Develop other interests that will help you forget about your problems for a while. Sports work for some people, reading, exercising or socializing for others.
  Carnivorous Diet or Vegetarian Diet
  Carnivorous Diet:来源:和谐英语
  1. Human beings are a part of the food chain, and eating meat is natural. So then, how can eating meat be wrong?
  2. Humans are type of animal and eating meat is normal and simply a part of life.
  3. Animals provide essential protein for the human body. Protein is biologically essential, for every living creature needs a certain amount to survive.
  4. Vegetarians do not get enough minerals and vitamins as a result of their limited diet.
  5. It is hard enough for vegetarians to stay healthy in our technologically advanced society.
  6. Eating plats is also causing pain or discomfort to the plants. You only have to check out laboratory experiments that plants feel pain.
  Should Smoking Be Banned in All Public Places?
  1. Second-hand tobacco smoke can be deadly as well.
  2. Cigarette smoke contains about 4000 chemicals, about 50 of which are known cancer-causing agents.
  3. Only one smoker makes a majority, as the smoker spreads and fills all space available.
  4. Governments should pass law to protect people and place controls on actions that harm others.
  5. Damaging one’s health is viewed as a personal liberty; damaging some one else’s health may not.
  6. Smoking in public places constitutes a real hazard to non-smokers.
  7. Smoking endangers people’s health. Smokers are more likely to suffer from bronchitis and lung cancer and have a higher risk of developing other kinds of cancer.
  8. Smoking may pose a potential fire hazard for smokers are careless about the cigarette butts.
  9. Smoking may cause diseases such as cancers and bronchitis.
  10. For years cigarettes have been known to cause cancer, emphysema, and other horrible illnesses.
  11. Smoking not only does harm to the health of smokers but also affects the health of non-smokers around them because non-smokers are forced to take in some poisonous substances which smokers blow into the air.
  12. Families could save money by not purchasing cigarettes; and accidental fires costing millions of dollars caused by cigarettes would cease.
  13. With every cigarette you smoke, you are causing damage to your health.
  14. Every cigarette you smoke reduces your lifespan by 11 minutes.
  Littering/ Rubbish Problem
  Present Situation:
  1. The roads scattered with all sorts of trash are a disgrace and the railway line are littered with decaying rubbish.
  2. One third of all waste produced is made up of packaging materials.
  3. Litter attracts vermin, causes a fire hazard, pollutes waterways and detracts from the amenity of public parks and gardens.
  4. What we are doing now is wasteful of resources and unfriendly to the environment.
  5. People show an appalling disregard for the environment. They have no respect for the environment.
  6. We lack adequate facilities to dispose of rubbish of all kinds. For instance, not many dustbins are seen along streets.
  7. The quickening tempo of modern lifestyle also contributes partly to the increasing rubbish problem, because many people prefer takeaway fast food and the use of disposable items for the convenience’s sake.
  8. Disposable packaging and items become fashionable these days, from baby nappies to milk cartons to burger wrappers.
  9. We are now living in a consumer-oriented society.
  1. Public activities should be sponsored by government to promote the public awareness of environmental protection. Make sure that everyone is a conscious preserver.
  2. Our government should take stronger and harsher measures to combat the littering behavior.
  3. Use environmentally-friendly materials.
  4. Minimally packaged goods should be encouraged.
  5. The rubbish should be classified scientifically so that the procedure can achieve high efficiency.
  6. People should learn to recycle. For instance, we should set up bins around town to collect glass, paper, and aluminum that can be converted back into raw materials, then made them into new products.
  How to Solve the Traffic Problem
  Present Situation and Cause:
  1. Every day there are many traffic jams everywhere, causing great inconveniences to people’s daily lives.
  2. Too many cars running on the streets lead to air pollution and noise pollution.
  3. There are more vehicles than the streets can accommodate.
  4. The construction of new roads is very slow.
  5. Many drivers do not obey regulation. People lack adequate awareness of the seriousness of traffic problem.
  1. More and Wider roads should be laid down to relieve the traffic congestion.
  2. Build more underground railway and tunnels and underpass.
  3. Issue stricter traffic laws and regulations, impose more severe and harsher penalty on the violator.
  4. Raise the public awareness of the traffic regulations. Popularize the education of traffic regulations; improve the quality of the citizens.
  5. Build up better public transportation systems, including buses, trains and subway, will encourage more people to use them rather than drive their own cars.
  The Pros and Cons of Bikes
  1. Fitness: Biking let you incorporate low stress aerobic exercise into your daily commute.
  2. Parking: Forget about parking headache. Riding a bicycle lets you park much closer to your destination than a car.
  3. The environment benefits include reduced pollution and reduced resource consumption (less material, fuel, and infrastructure).
  4. Bicycles increase mobility for those who don’t have access to motor transport (who don’t qualify to drive a car).
  5. Reduce energy consumption.
  6. One of the most positive impacts of bicycling is improved health.
  7. Moderate exercise such as bicycling can offer major health benefits.
  8. Beyond physical health, bicycling helps to relieve; to fight off depression and anxiety; and to enhance your sense of well-being.
  9. It is also a lot more economical to ride a bike than to drive a car.
  The Cloning Technology
  1. Cloning is unnatural and not ethically correct.
  2. Cloning creates serious issues of identify and individuality and forces humans to consider the definition of self.
  3. It leads to the psychological harms on cloned human children. One of those harms is the loss of identify, or sense of uniqueness and individuality.
  4. The strongest ethical argument against cloning is that it could lead to a new, unfamiliar type of family relationship.
  5. Another argument against cloning is that it would be available only to the wealthy and therefore would increase social inequality.