Girls’ waistlines have expanded by almost four inches in 30 years, figures show.
Rising levels of obesity mean that the average 11-year-old’s waist is more than 27.6in, compared to 23.2in during the late 1970s.
She now has the same size waist as a boy of the same age.
Although boys’ waistlines have also expanded, they have not grown to the same extent, rising to 27.6in compared to 24.2in during 1978.
The figures are further evidence that young women are more likely to become dangerously overweight than men.
This week, obesity expert Professor Klim McPherson, of Oxford University, warned that the young – particularly women – were ‘eating themselves into an early grave’.
这周,牛津大学肥胖专家Klim McPherson教授向青年人发出警告——尤其是女性——“把自己吃进一个早期的坟墓”。
But although young men were making efforts to take more exercise and eat healthily, women are still putting on weight.
Experts believe problems begin at school and may be because girls are far more reluctant to take part in PE or join school sports teams.
The latest measurements were taken from 2,500 children aged 4-17 using a 3D scanner – and compared to readings taken from more than 8,000 children measured in 1978.