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艾琳飓风横扫美国东海岸 18人丧生


Days after withstanding a rare earthquake, large swaths of the densely populated U.S. East Coast have weathered Irene, a once-powerful hurricane later downgraded to a tropical storm. Irene drenched New York Sunday after coming ashore over coastal areas farther south. At least 18 deaths are blamed on the storm, which prompted a massive mobilization of federal, state and local governments.


For three days, Irene pummeled the U.S. East Coast with high winds and torrential rains. Although no communities were obliterated, destruction is widespread over thousands of square kilometers with flooding, downed trees, damaged homes, power outages and impassable roads.


One Washington D.C. resident, who identified himself as Leonard, survived a harrowing night with his family after a giant tree fell on his home.


“It seemed like a pretty tame storm, and then all of a sudden these big oak trees started falling down on houses," he said. "[I was] very scared. I have two little kids, a two-and-a-half year-old and a one-year-old.”


Untold numbers of travelers were stranded amid thousands of canceled flights. Irene prompted New York City’s first-ever subway closure due to a natural event.


But stoic New Yorkers seemed to take the storm in stride, including grocery store owner Faris Algabbon.


“Everybody buys a lot of stuff - for nothing. Nothing happened," he said. "We only closed for a couple hours. Now we are open, and now we are good to go.”

他说:“很多人都抢购了很多东西,其实,根本没什么可担心的。 我们店关了两三个小时之后,就又开张了,现在一切照常。”

Unlike last week’s sudden earthquake, Irene's arrival was anticipated days in advance. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg had a simple message for residents.
