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毛骨悚然 hair stand on end:That weird-looking person really makes my hair stand on end. (get goose bumps; make one's flesh creep)

打落水狗 to hit a person when he's down

打铁趁热 Strike while the iron is hot.(Make hay while the sun is shining.)

打抱不平 He often bullies you. I really take up the cudgel for you.

打草惊蛇 Let's stay here in order not to wake a sleeping dog. (wake a sleeping lion/woof)

犯错是人之常情,宽恕是超凡的 To err is human; to forgive divine.

平白无故 without rhyme or reason:Don't take others' money without rhyme or reason. (without provocation

白费唇舌 to waste your breath on him

生于忧患,死于安乐 Adversity spurs vitality, while comfort breeds sloth.

永垂不朽 The general's name will be always remembered and eternally immortal.  


hay:干草,割草晒干  【短语词组】①hit the hay:上床睡觉  ②make hay of:使混乱
bully:恃强凌弱,威胁,恐吓 【短语词组】①play the bully:欺软怕硬  ②come the bully over someone:欺压某人
err:犯错,做错 【短语词组】①err on the right side:选择稳妥的做法 ②err on the side of:过分表现,宁可
without provocation:无缘无故
vitality:活力,生命力 【短语词组】①economic vitality:经济活跃