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中国驻欧盟使团团长 宋哲大使

Build a Bridge for Understanding and Mutual Trust China-EU Relations after the Lisbon Treaty
--Keynote Address  at the Breakfast Meeting of the Bureau the People's Party at the European Parliament
by Ambassador Song Zhe


Vice President Kasoulides,
MEPs and Friends,


I am very pleased to be invited to this breakfast meeting and exchange views on China-EU relations with friends of the bureau of the People's Party at the European Parliament. First of all, may I extend my new year greetings to all of you, because according to Chinese lunar calendar, today is the 10th day of the first month of the Year of the Tiger.


Over the past year, China-EU relations have maintained stable and sound development. Leaders of the two sides met four times within the year, such frequency rarely seen in recent years. The release of three joint documents highlighted the global and strategic implications of China-EU strategic partnership in the context of the current international situation. Despite the impact of international financial crisis, economic cooperation and trade between China and the EU continued its positive momentum. For seven consecutive years, the EU has maintained its position as China's largest trading partner. Last year, EU investment in China kept on increasing, making the EU China's third-largest source of foreign investment. Our cooperation in other fields also witnessed breakthrough last year. We organized the first China-EU high-level forum on literary translation, the first China-EU forum on cultural industries, the first expert-level consultations on China-EU cooperation in trade statistics, the first China-EU education policy seminar, and the first health and food security dialogue. These have altogether brought new vitality to our relations. The Frankfurt International Book Fair, with China being the main guest of honor, and the recently concluded Europalia-China Art Festival, have brought people from both sides closer to each other. In view of this, we are rejoiced at the achievements of China-EU relations.


At present, China-EU relations enter into a "post-Lisbon Treaty" and "post-financial crisis" era. This is what I call a "double transition" period. The next few years could be a defining moment and strategic opportunity for China-EU relations. During this period, China and the EU, in building our relations, need to adapt and conform to the changes of times, and make efforts to put our relationship at its rightful place in the future international pattern.


I have noticed that, along with the development of China and the EU, and the evolution of international situation, some in Europe become skeptical about China's development and China-EU relations in one way or another. From last year's Power Audit of China-EU Relations by Francois Godement, to this year's Rethinking China's Peaceful Rise by Charles Grant, a number of commentaries reflect a sense of distrust and insecurity towards China's development, and a pessimistic mood towards China-EU relations.


In my view, in the "post-Lisbon Treaty" and "post-financial crisis" era, the historic force that drives forward China-EU strategic partnership has not weakened, but strengthened. The prospect for the development of China-EU relations, instead of becoming desolate, will become even brighter. Over the past few decades, the EU's integration and China's peaceful development have not only brought real benefits to the people of China and Europe, but also made important contributions to world peace and development, linking our two ancient civilizations ever closely. Today, with globalization and multi-polarization gaining momentum, China and the EU represent the world's two major positive force for peace, and stand as each other's important and indispensable partner, who can be reliable and trusted upon in building joint response to global challenges. To further strengthen China-EU comprehensive strategic cooperation, not only serves our future growth, but also serves world peace, development and progress.


Promoting China-EU relations requires strategic thinking, courage and vision. It also requires observation, planning and management with a historical perspective. Neither China's reform and opening-up nor the EU's integration has any precedent to follow. China's reform and opening up is like "crossing the river by feeling the stones", and perhaps the same could be said for the EU integration, especially after the Lisbon Treaty. We both started something new and have been forging ahead unremittingly towards our ideals. We both have overcomed many obstacles and hardships and there are many ahead. We both rejoice at moments of success, and feel frustrated at setbacks. However, the direction to move forward is clear and firm. The EU remains committed to promoting its integration, and China stands committed to the path of peaceful development. China will continue to firmly support the EU integration process, and we also hope that the EU understands and supports China's peaceful development.


It must be noted that for China-EU relations, there are still some problems or hidden worries. If not properly handled, they may have a negative impact on China-EU relations. These problems can be summed up as two major gaps: