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First, the gap between substance and coverage. China-EU relations are healthy and fruitful in substance. We are comprehensive strategic partners, important trading partners and we have sophisticated political dialogue mechanism. The scope and the depth of cooperation between China and EU are among the best in big-power relationships.


But in recent years, China-EU relations seem to give people an impression that there are a lot of problems. The main reason is that differences and problems between China and Europe are often artificially amplified and highlighted. In order to attract attention, some media are keen to explore and inflate problems and differences in China-EU relations. Some people understand clearly that China and the EU will not be able to bridge their gaps of concept on issues such as human rights in short term, yet for various reasons, they would keep on making irresponsible remarks publicly on China's internal affairs from time to time. To make matter worse, in order to stock up personal political capital, some even challenge the bottom line on issues concerning China's core interests, which brings damage to the political atmosphere between the two sides and trigger public antagonism. Over time, people's understanding and impressions of China-EU relations gradually deviate from the right track and began to focus more on negative factors, such as human rights. It is indeed regrettable that things would have gone this way.


Secondly, the gap between interest and knowledge. China and the EU both enjoy an ancient and splendid culture, which is deeply attractive to each other. Both have strong interest to know more about each other and understand each other. Not long ago, our mission held some functions to present the Chinese New Year to the European Parliament, the opening ceremony alone attracted more than 600 guests and friends. On the next day of the opening, the European Parliament held a session of informal dialogue on relations with China, the number of participants was double than expected, and many people were standing till the end of the session. This is a vivid portrayal of Europe's desire to move closer to China and understand China. However, there is still considerable distance between the desire and reality. Frankly, I feel that Europe's understanding of China is far from enough, and many people see China as it was 10 years or even decades ago.


The other way round, China's understanding of Europe also remains to be further improved. European literature and art enthralls generations of Chinese people. Now each year, at least 1 million Chinese tourists come to Europe to visit the Eiffel Tower and the Collosseum. Hundreds of millions of Chinese football fans watch the five major European leagues on TV, and I am one of them. But the Chinese people also have many question marks on the EU. They do not understand whether Brussels has the final say, or the 27 capitals all share the final say? Why some EU countries act as "good guy" as member states, but "bad guy" on the EU front? They do not understand why China is often blamed for some domestic issues that are not taken notice at all if they take place in Europe or the US? Why do Europeans seem to be aloof from the overall human rights progress for 1.3 billion Chinese people, but are particularly interested in the human rights or absolute freedom of a few so-called "human rights defender" or even criminals? Why do they issue irresponsible statements even without some basic knowledge of the actual happenings? They do not understand, why does the EU continue to maintain discriminatory arms embargo against China, when China and the EU are already comprehensive strategic partners for such a long time?


In fact, it is not that difficult to narrow these gaps and create a good political, cultural, and public opinion environment for China-EU relations. Although we are far apart geographically and different in historical and cultural background, we now have many things in common, not least in pursuing peace and development and in cherishing friendship and cooperation. As early as in 1827, Goethe said to his assistant that the Chinese people have almost the same thoughts, behaviors and feelings like us in Europe. I believe, as long as we care about each other's feelings, be sincere to each other, build more understanding and consensus through dialogue and cooperation, and remove misunderstanding and differences with accommodation and trust, China-EU relations will be able to ride safe through the "post-crisis "and" post-Lisbon Treaty" period of transition and bring more benefit to the people of China, Europe and the world.


In this regard, the European Parliament can play a unique and important role. The European Parliament represents the European public opinion. Exchanges between China and the EU's legislative bodies, special committees, as well as political groups, not only enable the two sides to better understand each other's policies, but also help to strengthen people-to-people contacts and narrow the gaps in perception. More importantly, according to my personal understanding, after the Lisbon Treaty, the European Parliament will move from passenger seat in the back to co-driver seat in the front, holding stronger influence and role in the EU's external relations. In this sense, the European Parliament is an important stakeholder of the China-EU relations, and shall play a more positive role, exert more positive influence and make more positive contribution to the development of China-EU relations. The People's Party group, as the largest political group in the European Parliament, is duty-bound in every means. I am confident that the EPP will leave a strong and impressive mark in the history of China-EU relations, as well as in the history of exchange between China and the EU's legislative bodies and political parties.


MEPs and Friends,


As we all are participants in developing China-EU relations, we have a joint mission and share common responsibility. We are not only witnesses of history, but also makers of history. I look forward to working together with the European Parliament and Members of the People's Party group, to build a bridge of understanding and mutual trust between the people of China and Europe, and contribute to long-term, healthy and stable development of China-EU relations.


Thank you.  Now I am ready to take your questions.