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Second, champion open trade and promote coordinated development. To pursue international division of labor and free trade based on the resources endowment of individual countries reflects the law of economics and conforms to the historical trend of globalization. Modem world histoiy shows that freer trade brings greater development to the world and a more open economy leads to more rapid development. In the current situation, we must be firmly committed to free trade, to the consensus reached at previous G20 summits, and to the effort of opposing all forms of protectionism and removing existing trade protectionist measures. We should substantially reduce trade and investment barriers, broaden common interests, properly handle frictions and differences through dialogue on an equal footing, lift unreasonable restrictions on high-tech exports and jointly foster a free, open, equitable and just global trading environment. We should encourage coordination, refrain from confrontation and step up dialogue and cooperation so as to shape a favorable environment for global economic growth and win-win progress. We should coordinate trade and development strategies to reflect the G20 spirit of global economic governance for common development and shared prosperity. We should honor our commitments and work for comprehensive and balanced outcomes at the Doha Round negotiations in order to attain the goals of the development round at an early date and establish an open and free global trading system. To do this, we should uphold the mandate of the Doha Round, lock in previous achievements and work on the basis of the existing negotiating text.


Third, reform the financial system and promote stable development. Both the World Bank voting power reform and the IMF quota reform have made progress this year, and what has been decided should be implemented within the agreed timeframe. The reform of international financial institutions (IFIs) is a long and dynamic process. Quota and voting power reforms are just a starting point and much remains to be done. We should continue to push for fair and merit-based selection of the management of international financial institutions, enable more people from developing countries to take up mid-level and senior management positions and redress the underrepresentation of developing countries at the management level in the institutional framework of IFIs. We should support the IMF in its effort to strengthen the monitoring and early warning of capital flows and prevent the destructive impact of large capital movement, both inward and outward, on individual economies. While tightening international financial supervision and regulation, we need to seek the right balance between financial regulation and innovation, and between government intervention and market forces, and address the systemic and fundamental problems in the international financial system so that the system will become one that relies on, serves and buttresses the development of the real economy. We should rigorously track and assess G20 members' compliance with the new regulatory standards. We should strengthen supervision and regulation over credit rating agencies, the shadow banking system and trans-border capital flows. We should improve the international monetary system and build an international reserve currency system with stable value, rule-based issuance and manageable supply. The major reserve currency issuing economies should adopt responsible policies, maintain relative stability of exchange rates and help enhance the resilience of emerging market economies and developing countries against financial risks, thus easing and gradually removing the fundamental problems behind foreign exchange liquidity risks.


Fourth, narrow the development gap and promote balanced development. Among the various imbalances in the world economy, the most prominent is the serious development imbalance between the North and the South. The underlying reason is that the international order is unfair, with institutional deficiencies and lack of equal access to opportunities. In the final analysis, without the full development of developing countries, there can be no genuine global development. And if the least developed countries remain in poverty, enduring global prosperity can only be empty talk. At the recent UN High-Level Plenary Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), all parties committed to overcome difficulties and do everything possible to achieve the MDGs. This represents the solemn commitment of the United Nations and the common responsibility of G20 members. We must endeavor to build a new and more equal and balanced global partnership and encourage developed and developing countries to have more mutual understanding and closer coordination rather than follow the old path of trading accusations and public confrontation. We should pay attention to the spillover effect of G20 macroeconomic policies on developing countries. We should make great efforts to promote North-South cooperation, expand common interests and embrace a new development concept that promotes growth through development and overcomes risks through cooperation. We should move development up on the international agenda and address the issue of development from a macro and strategic perspective. We should support the United Nations and its specialized agencies in continuing to play an important role in international development cooperation and strengthen the development function of the World Bank and other international institutions so as to provide strong institutional guarantee for international development cooperation. We should advocate new ways of development and reduce artificial barriers to technology transfer in order to create conditions for developing countries to achieve green and sustainable development at an early date. We should work together to ensure that the Cancun climate change conference will continue to follow the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and the dual-track negotiation mechanism and mandate of the Bali Roadmap. The Cancun conference should give equal importance to mitigation, adaptation, funding and technological support, adhere to the principle of openness, transparency, broad participation and consensus-building in conducting negotiations and pay more attention to the voice of developing countries. It should seek positive outcomes by building on the achievements of the Copenhagen conference and following the guidance of the political consensus embodied in the Copenhagen Accord.