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Valor Economico of Brazil: How would you assess the current state of China-Brazil relations? How will China increase its economic cooperation and trade with Brazil? Will China import more high value-added products from Brazil?

Xi Jinping: My last visit to Brazil was in February 2009, during which I had very good talks with President Lula da Silva. He later paid a visit to China and we met again during that visit. I care deeply about President Lula's health and wish him well.

China and Brazil are the biggest developing countries in the eastern and western hemispheres respectively, and both are emerging markets. China values its friendship and cooperation with Brazil. Twenty years ago, Brazil became the first developing country to establish strategic partnership with China. Since then, China-Brazil relations have come a long way, bringing huge benefits to the two countries and peoples, creating opportunities for each other's development and contributing to the building of a more just and equitable international order and international system.

China-Brazil relationship is now at its best in history and has assumed greater strategic and overarching significance. During the upcoming Fifth BRICS Leaders Meeting, President Dilma Rousseff and I will hold a bilateral meeting. I look forward to a sincere exchange of views with her on ways to broaden and deepen China-Brazil relations.

Business cooperation provides the material foundation of China-Brazil relations. China is now Brazil's top trading partner while Brazil is China's tenth biggest trading partner. As the two countries' development interests are more closely interconnected than ever before, business cooperation is playing an increasingly important role in growing our economies and improving the wellbeing of our peoples. China will work with Brazil to further tap the potential of economic complementarities, improve trade mix and expand cooperation areas. The two sides may also harness respective strengths, boost mutually complementary industrial cooperation, and develop new cooperation models so as to elevate our business ties to a new high.

I am confident that with efforts of the two sides, bilateral business cooperation will make new breakthroughs in terms of both scale and quality, thus enabling our two countries to better achieve sustained development, adapt to new developments in the ever-deepening economic globalization and fend off international economic risks.

Press Trust of India: How do you see the impact of rising emerging markets and developing countries represented by the BRICS countries on the existing world architecture and global governance system?

Xi Jinping: A great number of emerging markets and developing countries, including the BRICS countries, have enjoyed fast economic growth. They have become an important force for world peace and common development, and played an important role in tackling the international financial crisis and boosting global economic growth. This is in keeping with the trend of our time towards peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit.

The global economic governance system must reflect the profound changes in the global economic landscape, and the representation and voice of emerging markets and developing countries should be increased. In recent years, the G20 summits have played a prominent role and the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have carried out quota reforms. These are important steps in moving forward reform of the global economic governance system in the right direction. Emerging markets and developing countries hope to see an improved global economic governance system that better meets the needs of global productivity growth and facilitates common development of all countries.

Xinhua News Agency: How do you evaluate cooperation among the BRICS countries? What expectation do you have on the BRICS Leaders Meeting in Durban?

Xi Jinping: BRICS cooperation will help make the global economy more balanced, improve global economic governance and promote democracy in international relations.

China hopes that through the Durban meeting, the BRICS countries will deepen partnership, improve cooperation mechanism, strengthen dialogue and cooperation in various areas, tap the potential of practical cooperation, and send to the international community a positive message of unity, cooperation and win-win results.

China supports the South African Presidency in prioritizing the establishment of a BRICS development bank, contingent reserve arrangement, business council and think tank council in preparations for the meeting. We hope that the meeting will produce positive results in these areas.

During the Durban meeting, a BRICS Leaders - Africa Dialogue Forum will be held. China supports BRICS countries in increasing dialogue and exchanges with Africa to foster partnership, safeguard common interests and realize common development.