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父与女:《罪案终结》光头严肃父亲 vs 大嘴别扭女儿+附赠毛脚24孝女婿

父与女:《罪案终结》光头严肃父亲 vs 大嘴别扭女儿+附赠毛脚24孝女婿  【状况介绍】都说父爱如山,但遇上别扭嘴硬的女儿,再深厚的感情也只能变作涓涓细流,在女儿撅嘴耍脾气时小心翼翼的倾诉出来。顺便找机会恐吓未来女 婿好好照顾自家的掌上明珠。


  - Are we upsetting you?

  - No。

  - Do you want us to go?

  - No, daddy. I am upset, but not at you. It's that stupid psychiatrist who won't let me go back to work, which probably thrills you to no end, 'cause you've been wanting me to quit being a police officer since the day I started。

  - All we've ever wanted was for you to be happy。

  - I am happy, daddy. What can't you just accept that?

  - Look, honey...When you wanted to go to Georgetown, I said no, and you went anyway. When you wanted to go to work for the State Department, I said no. Well, you did it anyway. Then when you called and said you're going to work for the D.C.Police, your mama nearly had to sit on me to keep me from driving the van up there and kidnapping you. Over the years, I've tried to stand in your way several times, and you always ran right over me. Capiche? If you want to go back to work, you go back to work. I've always found it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. Know what I mean?

  - Well, Agent Howard of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, did it not occur to you to pick up a telephone and call and ask for my blessing?

  - Well, I-I'm sorry, sir, but Brenda and I are both adults, and I love your daughter。

  - Relax, son. I'm just messing with you。

  - Come on. You do hug, don't you? I mean, you have a cat。

  - That's not my cat。

  - It is now, son. And you better make that cat very happy。

  【关键句】Over the years, I've tried to stand in your way several times, and you always ran right over me. Capiche? If you want to go back to work, you go back to work. I've always found it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission。


  【小编短评】遇上这么一个个性独立自主不听话的女儿,父亲的小心翼翼劝说更加让人珍惜。是从什么时候开始,父亲要 小心斟酌着用词来与不听话的儿女沟通,还要察言观色哄着坏脾气的女儿,让她开心,不许任何人让她难过。长大了就要一点点学着理解父亲的心情,他是怎样才能

  理解一天一个决定的我们?我们谁又真正坐下来和父亲认真商量拿主意.。。但是只有父母在我们失败失意后还会无条件的接纳我们,在他们那里我们有永远的豁免 权。