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父与女:《实习医生格蕾》保护欲过剩父亲 vs 不省心女儿

父与女:《实习医生格蕾》保护欲过剩父亲 vs 不省心女儿  【状况介绍】闪电结婚又离婚的女儿居然又成了同性恋,这叫老爹怎么放得下心,千里迢迢几次前来探访,找同事找领导软硬兼施,连上帝的使者——神父都 给带来试图劝说女儿回头。但最后还是无奈妥协。


  Callie: I can't do this anymore. You'll, you know, see me in hell。

  Mr.Torres: Listen to me, please. I have to catch you。

  Callie: What?

  Mr.Torres: Your whole life, you... you've always been on a bridge, Calliope, ever since you were a little girl. And you don't just walk on it either. No, you climb on the railing and you're-- you're ready to leap. And when you do, when that happens...I have to be there, I have to catch you。

  Callie: You don't have to catch me,dad。

  Mr.Torres: Yes, I do. It's my job, if this works out between you and Arizona... is there a chance that maybe you'd, uh...give your mother a wedding?

  Callie: I think last night if Arizona wanted to spend the rest of her life with me? Yeah, I'll put on a big white dress and dance down the aisle。

  Mr.Torres: How-- how about grandkids?

  Callie: Yes, I would imagine...when the time came...there would be kids。

  Mr.Torres: Does she make you happy?

  Callie: Yes, dad. She makes me very happy. I love you. You know that?

  Mr.Torres: She's not a vegetarian, is she? Because I-I don't know how much more I can take。

  Callie: She's not a vegetarian。

  Mr.Torres: I feel very old。

  【关键句】Mr.Torres: No, you don't, no. Because if you did..."your daughter's a grown woman"-- I mean, that-- that means nothing. She's my child. It's like blood running through your veins. You don't outgrow it, it never goes away--the love, the need to protect them from everything-- from everything--even from themselves. They grow up, they move out, they change, become people you don't even recognize, make decisions...I mean...and they think you don't love them because you don't understand, but it's the opposite. See, it's the opposite. You fight for them, always. You never surrender. When your child is on the line, you never surrender。



  己拿主意了。我是说.。。他们以为你不爱他们了,因为你不理解,但恰好相反,明白吗?事实恰好相反。你会为了他们而奋斗,从未改变,也不曾投降,当孩子面 临危机时,你从不投降。

  Arizona: I was raised to be a good man in a storm, raised to love my country, love my family and protect the things I love. When my father... Colonel Daniel Robbins of the United States Marine Corps, heard that I was a lesbian, he said he only had one question. I was prepared for "How fast can you get the hell out of my house?" But instead... it was... "Are you still who I raised you to be?" My father believes in country the way that you believe in God. And my father is not a man who bends,but he bent for me because I'm his daughter. I'm a good man in a storm。

  我被教以风雨中要坚强,被教以爱国爱家庭,并且要保护我所爱的人。当我父亲-美国海军Daniel Robbins上校,得知我是同性恋 他只问了我一个问题。我以为他会说"你滚出去我的房子要用多久?"但实际上 他问的是"你还是我期望的女儿吗?"我的父亲崇信国家 就像你崇信上帝一样。他不是一个会屈服的人,但是他承认了我,是因为我是她女儿,我是风雨中坚强的后盾。

  【小编短评】感动小编的不仅是这个保护欲过剩的老父亲,还有Arizona那明事理的军人父亲。不论他们红脸还是白脸,不论方法是对是错,可能也会 激进,也会大发脾气赶儿女出家门,也会嘴硬和儿女冷战僵持,但父亲的出发点只有一个,那就是爱。在父亲们的心中,我们永远都是当初那个肉嘟嘟需要人照顾不 让人省心的小孩子。