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父与子:《成长的烦恼》心理医生 vs 捣蛋儿子

父与子:《成长的烦恼》心理医生 vs 捣蛋儿子  【状况介绍】老妈Meggie第一天复工回去上班,开明老爸当家第一天,大儿子Mike就闯祸。这让老爸的面子往哪里搁?重要的是,要怎么才能让Mike不成天添乱呢?


  - You know dad, I try, I really try, but sometimes, almost without wanting, I just find myself doing something really stupid。

  - Sort of an uncontrollable impulse huh?

  - yeah!

  - Or is it more like you think you're doing something really stupid, and then you weigh you chances of getting away with it and if they're better than ten percent, you go for it。

  - Yeah!

  - That's why you're grounded for two months。

  - yeah。

  - Well if it makes you feel any better, I did some pretty lamo things in my day。

  - You?

  - Yeah!

  - like what?

  - Well like I remember when I was sixteen, me and some buddies, we drove around town one night, mooning everybody. We even mooned the mayor's wife。

  - You dad?

  - Uhu. Yeah we got arrested for indecent exposure. Had to let us off though...mayor's wife refused to make an identification。

  - You dad?

  - Will you stop saying that!

  - Does mom know about this?

  - You kidding? How do you think we met?

  - Alright dad! Hey dad you ever get the urge to do dumb stuff now?

  - No. No, no I don't Mike. I think that's what being an adult is all about。

  - Oh. Alright, good night dad。


  Is it more like you think you're doing something really stupid, and then you weigh you chances of getting away with it and if they're better than ten percent, you go for it. If it makes you feel any better, I did some pretty lamo things in my day。

  是不是觉得你在做蠢事的时候,会想想说说不定有机会逃脱干系,然后就显得超酷, 于是就放手一搏了?这么说吧,我年轻的时候也干过啥事儿。

  【小编短评】代沟的产生就在于,家长们常常会把自己想象成高高在上,总觉得孩子 们的所做所为不可饶恕。其实想想谁都有过年少轻狂吧?这就是为什么小时候总是很羡慕《成长的烦恼》里的孩子们呢……