99 NBA 美国职业篮球联赛
M1 : Man 1 M2 : Man 2
M1:男人l M2:男人2
M1: There's a good NBA game on TV tonight. shall we watch it?
M2 : That depends . . . who's playing?
M1 : The Houston Rockets and Miami Heat. You know, Yao Ming plays for the Rockets so we have to watch.
M2: Do you have any idea who invented basketball or the NBS? Someone must have made up the rules?
M1: I do know, yes. A Canadian man, Dr. James Naismith created the game of basketball from 13 original rules. It's played a little differently nowadays, but the Principle is still the same.
M1:是的,我还真知道,足加拿大的詹姆士·奈史密斯博十。他白创1 3条比赛规则,发明了篮球运动.今天的篮球打法和过去比有一点点不同,但规则没变.
M2 : It was first played in Canada? I'm sure I read somewhere that the first game was played in 1946 in Toronto.
M1: That's right, the first game was between the Toronto Huskies and the New York Knickerbockers. At that time the game was pretty boring, though. They didn't introduce the 24-second clock until after.
M2 : The 24-second clock and of course an accompanying limit on the number of fouls a team could commit in a quarter. This created the game we know and love today.
M1: So, the NBA became more and more popular after that. When it started in Canada,must children grew up playing ice hockey and didn't really like basketball, but over the years it has changed considerably.
M2 : Is the NBA one organization or is it made of many put together?
M2: NBA是一个组织还是由多个组织组合而成的呢?
M1 : Like most pro sports leagues, the NBA is a confederation of separate organizations that compete yet must also cooperate.
M2 : This kind of confederation wouldn't be able Co survive and bccoI11e more popular without outstanding leadership at the top. Also. you said earlier that the rules have changed, how so? What are the current rules we follow today?
M1: There are 12 rules that we must follow today including court dimensions, players, definitions, scoring, violations and free throws.
M1:现在我们所遵守的有1 2条规则,包括球场规榕、球员数量、解说、计分、违规和罚球。
M2 : The referee controls the game using some very interesting hand signals. There must be a manual for the hand signals that must be followed, so that everyone can leam them. How many teams are there altogether?
M2:裁判用一些非常有趣的手势信号来控制球赛。肯定有一本大家必须遵守的手势信号手册,这样人人都可以学习。NBA 一共有多少支球队?
M1: It started out having just 8 teams, but now it has 30. But of course, my favourite will always be the Rockets.
the game we know and love today我们今天所熟悉、喜欢的篮球赛
over the years这些年以来
Put together 集合
Hand signal 手语,手势信号
美国职业篮球联赛又名NBA,代表了世界篮球的最高水平,其中产生了迈克尔·乔丹、魔术师约翰逊、科比·布莱恩特、姚明、勒布朗·詹姆斯等世界巨星。该协会一共拥有30支球队,分属两个联盟东部联盟和西部联盟;而每个联盟各由三个赛区组成,每个赛区有五支球队。30支球队当中有29支位于美国本土,另外一支来自加拿大的多伦多。 这30只球队分别是:大西洋赛区 :纽约尼克斯队、新泽西篮网队、波士顿凯尔特人队、多伦多猛龙队、费城76人队 中部赛区 :底特律活塞队、印第安纳步行者队、克里夫兰骑士队、密尔沃基雄鹿队、芝加哥公牛队 东南部赛区 :迈阿密热火队、奥兰多魔术队、华盛顿奇才队、亚特兰大老鹰队、夏洛特山猫队;西部联盟 西北赛区 :明尼苏达森林狼队、丹佛掘金队、犹他爵士队、波特兰开拓者队、俄克拉荷马城雷霆队 太平洋赛区:萨克拉门托国王队、洛杉矶湖人队、菲尼克斯太阳队、金州勇士队、洛杉矶快船队西南部赛区:圣安东尼奥马刺队、休斯敦火箭队、达拉斯小牛队、孟菲斯灰熊队、新奥尔良黄蜂队。
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