英语口语畅谈世界文化之英国85:The Weather伦敦天气mp3
85 The Weather 伦敦天气
C:Chinese student F: Foreigner
C:中国学生 F:外国人
C: I have heard that in Britain it often rains a lot. Sometimes I have heard the expression" raining cats and dogs" when it's raining very heavily. Is that right?
C:听说英国经常下雨。我还听过raining cats and do黟这样的说法,指倾盆大雨。是这样吗?
F: Yes, it does rain quite a bit in Britain and we sometimes do say it's raining cats and dogs when it's raining very heavijy. But, we often just have showers, as in a small amount of rain, and then we say "It's drizzling. "
F:是的,英国经常下雨。下大雨对我们有时的确会用raining cats and dog这样的说法。但是,我们一般下的只是小雨,雨量很少,这时我们就说It's drizzling.。
C: Is it true chat English people always carry umbrellas around with them!
F: Only when it's raining. Actually that is one of the big diffrences between our two cultures.
C: Oh, why is that?
F: Well, when the sun is shining we like to wear as few clothes as possible to get the maximun benefit from the sun bur you use umbrellas ro protcct yourself fiom the sun's rays.
C: Yes, that's true. We think a pale skin is more beautiful.
F: But we think a tan makes us look more healthy.
C: Is it often sunny in England?
F: Not as much as we would like! It certainly does not get as hot as it does here in Beijing and the weatber is not dry like here. I know we complain about the weather a lot but really I think we get a good mixture of sun and rain and snow.
C: What about fog? I hear that there's a lot in London.
F: Well. that used to be true up t0 50 years ago but now London is fog free.
C: Why is that?
F: Ever since the Clear Air Act of the early 50s we have moved away from coal to smokeless fuel and so the air has got a loC cleaner.
C: Which is your favourite season?
F: I would have to say autumn because all the trees change colour as the leaves go ffom green to red. orange and brown and it really makes for a wonderful sight.
C:What is winter like?
F: Really cold! We would get quite a bit of snow from December to March. Children love it but older people don't like it as much.
Raining cats and dogs下倾盆大雨
It’s drizzling在下毛毛雨。
get the mixunum benefit from… 尽量从……获取好处
Fog free 没有雾
20世纪初,伦敦人大部分都使用煤作为家居燃料,产生大量烟雾。这些烟雾再加上伦敦气候,造成了伦敦“远近驰名”的烟霞,英语称为London Fog(伦敦雾)。因此,英语有时会把伦敦称作“大烟”(The Smoke),伦敦并由此得名“雾都”。1952年12月5日至9日期间,伦敦烟雾事件令4000人死亡,政府因而于1956年推行了《空气清净法案》,于伦敦部分地区禁止使用产生浓烟的燃料。时至今日,伦敦的空气质量已经得到明显改观。
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