56 Opera 歌剧
M: Man W: Woman
M:男人 w:女人
M:You've been listening to that music for ages, what is it?
M: 这首乐曲你听很久了,是什么音乐?
W: It's an opera, composed by Monteverdi.
W: 是蒙泰威尔第创作的一部歌剧。
M: Oh, it's by Monteverdi. It's too old for me! Who invented it anyway?
M: 噢,是蒙泰威尔第的。对我来说太古老了。歌剧到底是谁发明的?
W: Opera was invented by a group of wealthy people in Florence, who wanted to reproduce ancient Greek dramas.
W: 歌剧是由佛罗伦萨的一群富人创作发明的,他们想重现古希腊戏剧。
M: Wasn’t the first real open Daphne, by Jacopo Peri, written over 400 years ago?
M: 第一部真正的歌剧《达美妮》是不是4U【)多年前由雅各布•佩里写的?
W: Yes, it was. I'm surprised you know that. Peri's opera is lost, because there were no music publishers then, but we know it existed because so many people wrote comments about the performance of Daphne.
M: So, Monteverdi started after this, changing the form into the modem style we know today. He added arias allowing the singers to express the emotions of their characters, and to show off their singing abilities.
M: 之后,蒙泰威尔第开始改变写作形式,就变成了我们今天所了解的现代风格。他增加了咏叹涧部分,允许歌手们表达他们所扮演角色的情感,表现自己的歌唱才能。
W: Right, and later on other composers added many other things. For example, chorus parts, dances and instrumental parts. After this, opera grew and changed in many ways.
W: 没错,后来其他的作家义增如r很多其他成分。比如,合唱部分、舞蹈和乐器演奏部分。这之后,歌剧在很多方面义进行发展和改进。
M: It comes from Italy, right? I mean all of these composers were Italian, but Mozart was Austrian.
M: 歌剧起源于意大利,是吧?我是说除了莫扎特是奥地利人以外,所有的作曲家都是意大利人。
W: That's because it was so popular and spread to Germany, France, England, Russia, Spain, Portugal and other countries. But yes, it originated in Italy.
W: 那是因为歌剧非常受欢迎,破传到了德国、法国、英国、俄罗斯、西班牙、葡萄牙和其他国家。不过歌剧的确是起源于意大利。
M: Were all of the first operas written in Italian?
M: 是不是最初所有的歌剧都是用意大利语写的?
W: Yes, even foreigners like Mozart wrote in Italian, but later as it expanded, they started to write in their own languages.
W: 是的,即使像莫扎特这样的外国人也用意大利语进行创作,但后来随着歌剧的广泛传播,他们开始用自己的语言创作。
M: OK, so I know it started in Italy and became widespread across Europe pretty quickly, but chat doesn't explain how it came to America.
M: 好了,我知道歌剧起源于意大利,很快遍及欧洲各地,但这并不能解释它是怎么传到美国的。
W: European immigrants brought opera to the United States in the 18幽 and 19h centuries. That's why we have "The Met", or Metropolitan Opera House. It opened in 1883.
W: 18、19世纪欧洲移民把歌剧带到了美国。这就是为什么我们有了“大都会歌剧院”的原因,该剧院1883年开始对外开放。
M: I see, but why is it still so popular nowadays? Opera fans still love to attend operas at " The Met. "
W: Most operas on at "The Met" nowadays are 18'hand 19出 century ones, written by Mozan, Puccini, Wagner, and so on. I guess people just find them incredibly beautiful, I know I do!
M: It is an interesting topic, but I think I'II stick to my pop music.
for ages很长时间
be show off显示,炫耀
be composed by 由……创作
spread to传播到
歌剧是一门西方舞台表演艺术,简单而言就是主要或完全以歌唱和音乐来交代和表达剧情的戏剧(是唱出来而不是说出来的戏剧)。 歌剧在17世纪,即1600年前后才出现在意大利的佛罗伦萨,它源自古希腊戏剧的剧场音乐。歌剧的演出和戏剧的所需一样,都要凭借剧场的典型元素,如背景、戏服以及表演等。
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