美国文化口语秀(文本+MP3) 第352期:美国高考考什么?
How do you say "gaokao" in English? 高考英语怎么说?
The natioanl university entrance exam: 高考
But the word "gaokao" has entered the English vocabulary: gaokao这个词已经进入英语词汇了
You'll see the word "gaokao" used in English media coverage: 英语媒体报道时会直接用"gaokao"这个词
SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test): 学业能力测验 (公立大学通常要求学生提供SAT成绩)
ACT (American College Test): 美国高等院校入学考试 (私立学校一般希望学生考ACT)
Students usually just need one or the other: 学生通常两个里面只需要考一个
Some schools let you choose whichever one you want: 有些学校不做硬性要求,两个考试都认可
SAT: 最普遍的高考,考生多选择这个,大学也都接受;
考3个科目:Reading, Math, Writing & Language
ACT: 私立大学更喜欢;
考4个科目:Reading, Math, English, and Science
两个考试都包括一篇optional essay (作文,是否要写学生自由选择)
SAT I以前的官方名称是SAT Reasoning Test,就是考你的逻辑推理,也有人管它叫general test,是个一般性测试。
SAT II全称SAT Subject Test,是一个分科目的考试,有些学校会根据你申请的专业要求你提供SAT II中某一科的成绩,比如科学或是历史。
我们一般说的SAT指得是SAT I,说到SAT II会说SAT sub。SAT general test常常被称为“美国高考”,但它跟中国高考最大的一点不同就在于SAT一年会举办7次!
内容方面,general test分阅读、数学和写作,每部分各800分,满分2400。
小编不得罪人,拿数据说话。美国College Board数据显示2014年的中位数是1490分,1720分你就是前25%了,如果要挤进前10%,则需要考到1930分以上。
Schools look at each individual student, case by case: 学校对学生进行逐个选拔 (有点类似国内的自主招生)
If your scores are below a certain number, you’re unlikely to get in. 如果你的分数低于某一个线,那被录取的可能性将会很小。
A minimum score: 最低分数要求
Extracurriculars/extracurricular activities: 课外活动
AP classes are college-level courses you take in high school: AP是为高中生开设的大学水平的课。
To apply to a college: 申请大学
To transfer credits as an incoming freshman: 入学以后(将AP课程)转成学分
Many Canadian students also want to go to American schools: 很多加拿大学生也会选择去美国读大学
For a regular Canadian high school student, he or she doesn’t have to take a college entrance test: 加拿大的高中生一般都不用参加像“高考”这样的考试
Senior year in high school: 高三
Personal statement: 自我陈述, 申请信
American students normally apply in the first semester of their last year in high school: 美国学生通常高尚第一个学期申请大学
Don’t put off taking the SAT till the last minute: 不要把考SAT这件事拖到最后关头
You can take SAT whenever you want: SAT不一定非要等到高三才能考
They have SAT tests scheduled every other month: 每隔一个月就会有一场SAT考试
Students focus on writing college application in their senior year: 美国高三学生不是忙考试,而是忙着写大学申请信
Do you write a different personal statement for each university you apply to?: 你每申请一所学校都写一篇新的个人陈述吗?
The universities that use the Common Application system have a different prompt than the UC schools: 使用“Common Application”系统的院校对申请信有不同的要求
You'd have your list of schools to apply to, but it's not an official process: 每个学生都会有自己想申请的学校,但是没有一个官方填志愿的流程
How many schools on average do you apply to?: 一般会申请几所大学呢?
Most American students apply to at least five or six schools: 大多数美国学生会申请五六所学校
Was UC Davis high on your wish list?: 加州大学戴维斯分校是你当时非常想去的学校吗?
It wasn't my first choice: 不是我的“第一志愿”
Safety school: 备胎学校
Transcript: 成绩单
Admission office: 招生办公室
The application deadline is usually between the end of November and the beginning of January: 多数院校的申请截止日期在十一月底到一月初之间
Starting March or April, people start getting their letters of acceptance or rejection: 三四月开始,同学会陆陆续续收到录取通知书或者拒信。