美国文化口语秀(文本+MP3) 第365期:星号键、井号键英语怎么说?
punctuation marks: 标点符号
Let's start with the common ones: 我们先来说说最常见的
comma: 逗号 (,) /ˈkɒmə/
coma: 昏迷 /ˈkəʊmə/
period/full stop: 这两个词都是句号的意思,但是period一词在北美更常用
According to Adam, “full stop” is a dated expression that is rarely used in North America today: Adam表示“full stop”这个讲法有点老了,在北美现在很少有人用
We're not buying that toy. Period.
We're not getting married. Period.
I'm not giving you any money. Period.
If someone adds “period” to the end of a sentence, it means it's the end of the discussion; no room for negotiation: 如果在一句话结尾说“period”, 意思就是这是最终的决定、没有什么好谈的
exclamation mark/point: 感叹号 (!)
It seems like when sending messages, people always use the exclamation mark now: 现在好像发信息大家都一定要加感叹号
If you don't use exclamation marks or emojis, people might think you're unhappy or insincere: 如果你不用感叹号或者表情,那别人会觉得你可能心情不好,或者很冷漠
colon: 冒号,另外还有个意思是大肠
What a strange language: 英语真是个奇妙的语言
semicolon: 分号 (:)
question mark: 问号 (?)
dash: 破折号 (—)
hyphen: 连字符 (-)
A hyphen is shorter than a dash: 连字符比破折号要短
The kid is well-behaved: 这个孩子很乖
He's well-educated: 他很有教养,受过良好教育
Dash is less common in English than hyphen: 破折号在英语里用的比连字符少
Should we hyphenate it?: 这个词中间加不加连字符?
Underscore: 下划线 (_)
Underscores are often seen in email address: 下划线在邮箱地址中经常看到
I remember in high school or middle school, all the girls started to get email addresses with underscores in them: 初中还高中的时候,女生都开始注册邮箱了,邮箱地址里都带着下划线
apostrophe: 撇号 (')
It looks like a flying comma: 它像是个飞起来的逗号
引号在美国文化中有着神奇的地位,因为美式幽默可少不了它,很多讽刺、挖苦的情绪都要靠这对air quotes来表达。
single/double quotation marks: 单引号/双引号
air quotes:"空气引号”,即用手比引号
When people don't believe in something, they use air quotes when saying it: 讲到一个自己都不信的事情,也就是我们常说的“所谓的”,可以拿手比一对“空气引号”
He's the quote unquote most handsome guy in the office: (“空气引号”也可以念出来) 他是办公室里最“帅”的人
parenthesis/parentheses/brackets: 括号,即 ( )
square brackets: 方括号 ([ ])
angle brackets: 尖括号 (< >)
Angle brackets are seldom used in English: 尖括号英语里很少用
French quotes: 书名号 (《 》)
Generally speaking, for the names of books, English speakers use italics: 书名在英语里一般斜体表示,而不是书名号
ellipsis/ellipses: 省略号 (英语的只有三个点…)
Many people just call ellipses “dot dot dot”: 很多人管省略号叫“点点点”
forward slash: 斜杠 (/)
backslash: 反斜杠 (\)
ampersand: 表示“和”,在中文里好像没有名字 (&)
Not many people know the name of this punctuation mark: 很多英语母语人士其实也不知道“&”叫什么
R&D (Research & Development): 研发,念成“R and D”
Whether you wanna call it ampersand or “and”, always read it out: 不管你怎么叫符号“&”,英语里面说的时候要把它说出来
H&M: 念作“H and M”,不能省略and
star sign: 星号 (*)
星号还有一个名字叫asterisk, 指打字的时候,做标识用的星号
pound sign: 井号 (#),
井号也有另一个名字:hashtag,用在社交媒体上。比如#openlanguage读出来应该是hashtag openlanguage,而不是pound sign openlanguage
In navigating automated message, you usually press the star sign to go back and the pound sign to continue: 在操作自动电话系统的时候,一般星号是返回上一级菜单,井号是确认继续