美国文化口语秀(文本+MP3) 第493期:美剧最经典的10个爸爸
1.Phil Dunphy, Modern Family
"I'm the cool dad. That's my thing.": 我是酷爸爸,这是我的特色
“Peerenting":Peer(同龄人)+parenting (做父母) : “朋友般的爸爸”
Softie: 心软的 、善良的
Goofy: 傻傻笨笨,可爱的。米老鼠的伙伴高飞狗的名字就是Goofy。
2.Jay Pritchett, Modern Family
Tough on the outside, soft on the inside 刀子嘴,豆腐心
He is the patriarch of the family: 大家长式的爸爸
Step-dad/step-father: 继父
Love his kids to pieces: 爱孩子爱到骨子里
3.Jason Seaver, Growing Pains
Loving and wise dad: 有爱、有智慧的爸爸。
A great sense of humor: 他很幽默。
He was always giving his kids words of wisdom:总把智慧之语传授给孩子。
4.Burt, Glee
Burt is a guy's guy. Burt是特别男人的男人。
A man's man: 同上
Kurt is hesitant to come out to his father. Kurt不敢向他爸爸坦白“出柜”。
Come out of the closet: 出柜
But Burt turned out to be very supportive and protective of his son. 事实上,他宽慰了儿子,并总是将儿子保护得非常好。
5. Walter White, Breaking Bad
He is a good guy caught in a bad situation. 但他其实是个好人,只是陷入了困境。
He wants to make sure his family is set for life. 要照顾家人,保证他们衣食无忧。
To be set for life: 衣食无忧
6.Hal Wilkerson, Malcolm in the Middle
《绝命毒师》Walter的扮演者Bryan Cranston其实以前还演过另一部家庭喜剧。在这部剧里的形象截然不同。
He is a kid dad. 他是一个童心未泯的爸爸。
He is presiding over a brood of unruly boys. 他是一窝熊孩子们的领导。
Preside: 管理
Brood: 一窝、一群
Unruly: 顽皮的、不听话的
7.Ned Stark, Game of Thrones
He is principled, fair and good with a sword.
Principled: 有原则的
Fair: 公平
Good with a sword: 剑术出众
8.Louis Huang, Fresh off the Boat
Immigrant father: 移民爸爸
First generation immigrant: 第一代移民
He has to navigate cross-culture situations and helps his kids fit into a new culuture, while keeping their roots. 既要引导孩子融入当地社会,又要保住自己的文化根基。
Navigate: 引导
Fit in: 融入
Cross-culture: 跨文化
Roots: 根基
9.Homer Simpson, The Simpsons
The Simpsons大概是美国最长寿的动画片之一,辛普森爸爸的形象也不断演化。
He is a wise fool and always accident-prone. 有点小聪明,又常常手忙脚乱出事故。
Accident-prone: 很容易闯祸
Wise fool: 聪明的傻瓜
Who's your favourite TV dad? 谁是你最喜欢的美剧爸爸?