


J: Hey,what’s new on the newspaper?


K: Well, here according to Time magazine’s annual list, Lady Gaga, Bill Clinton and Brazil’s leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva are the world’s most influential people.

K:嗯,美国《时代》杂志年度最具影响力人物排行榜日前揭晓了,Lady Gaga、比尔克 林顿和巴西总统路易斯伊纳西奥卢拉达席尔瓦名列各板块之首。

J: Who is Lady Gaga?

J: Lady Gaga 是谁?

K: You don’t know her?


J: Nope. I have no idea.


K: You are terribly out! Lady Gaga is an American singer, famous for her bizarre costumes and chart-topping dance music. She is now very hot.

K: 你太落伍了! Lady Gaga是位美国歌手,以奋装异服和高居榜首的舞曲而著称。 现在非常火的!

J: Then she must be the most influential artist.


K: That’s right. Clinton heads the “heroes” section, and the “leaders” list starts with the Brazilian president.


J: What’s the reason for the Brazilian president to be the most influential leader? By the way, would you please read his name again?

J:巴西总统获选最具影响力”领导者”的理由是什么?对了,你再读一遍,他的名 字是什么夹着?

K: Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. He is “praised for his drive to bring social justice and end deep inequality in his huge Latin American country.”

K:路易斯伊纳西奥卢拉达席尔瓦。他"一直致力于为他那幅员辽阔的拉美国家(巴 西)带来社会公平。”

J: Well. Where is the American President Obama? I thought they would have chosen their president.

J:哦。那美国总统奥巴马排在第几?我原以为美国的杂志会把本国总统放在第一名 呢。

K: Obama is only in the fourth slot.


J: Surprising choice, isn’t it? “Obama” is the best known name all around the world.


K: I don’t think so. If take popularity as the only selecting standard, then the “leaders” list should always begin with an American president since America is the most influential country.

K:我不这么想。要是把知名度作为惟一的评选标准,那么,美国是世界上最具影响 力的国家,它的总统每年都要高居榜首了。

J: Nope. Maybe in several years, the list will always begin with a Chinese name.


K: You are joking, too. As managing editor Richard Stengel says here,“Some of the people you’ll encounter on this list are influential in the traditional sense...But we also seek out people whose ideas and actions are revolutionizing their fields and transforming lives.” By the way, here comes a Chinese name! J.T. Wang. He is the CEO of the Taiwanese PC maker Acer, and comes in at number two as a representative of the rise of Asian companies.

K:你真会开玩笑。这里写的,《时代》固刊主编理查德斯坦格尔说:"上榜者中的 有些人具有传统意义上的影响力,同时我们也在寻找那些用自己的理念和行动为 各自的领域和生活带来变革的人物。”对了,这里有个中国人!王振堂。他是台湾电脑生产商宏基公司的首席执行官,位居该单元第二,是亚洲公司飞速发展的 典型代表。

J: That’s cool! I’m using an Acer laptop.

j: '酷毙了。我用的就是宏基的笔记本。

K: Why aren’t you surprised at choosing Clinton as the most influential hero?


J: Why should I?


K: I'm wondering how he could be called a “hero”. Since he left the White House, I hardly took notice of him.


J: After that, he has done lots of things.


K: I know he lectured widely and has released his autobiography My Life.


J: Yeah. Still I remember his words while talking about his decision for future career. It touched me so much.


K: Which part? I have no idea about that.


J: You know Clinton has broad interests,especially loves music, and is good at playing the saxophone?


K: Yeah. I heard that he won first chair in Arkansas brass band’s saxophone section.


J: Exactly. In his book, Clinton said, “Sometime in my sixteenth year I decided I wanted to be in public life as an elected official. I loved music and thought I could be very good, but I knew I would never be John Coltrane or Stan Getz. I was interested in medicine and thought I could be a fine doctor, but I knew I would never be Michael DeBakey. But I knew I could be great in public service.”

J:对。克林顿在书中写道,"在我16岁那年的某个时候,我决定将以当选官员的身 份进入公共生活。我喜欢音乐,也觉得自己会很出色,但我知道我永远都成不了 约翰科尔特兰或者斯坦盖茨。我对医学感兴趣,自认为可以成为一名好医生, 但我知道我永远都成不了迈克德贝基。然而,我知道,我可以在公共服务领域 出类拔萃。"

K: Wow, you recited it! What a good memory you have!


J: Thanks. Whenever I come across something I like, I’d try to recite it.


K: He seems to be your idol.


J: Well, I do think he is a great guy. You know, he was born in a poor family, and had grown to be a well—known public figure. As a little boy, he knew exactly how to make decisions. I do admire his ambition.

J:哦,我确实觉得他是个了不起的人。要知道,克林顿出身于贫苦家庭,却成长为 一个人尽皆知的公众人物。当他还是个小男孩的时候,就已经很清楚该如何抉择。 我真佩服他的雄心。

K: I agree. I have to say on his road to success, Hillary Clinton has always been his right hand.


J: They were the best partner at Yale Law School.


K: Did they go to the same University?


J: You don’t know that? It has been passed to be a much-told story.


K: Give me the low-down.


J: It’s my turn to say “You are out”! Both of them were law students at Yale. Hillary was a year ahead of Clinton. She noticed him when he boasted that Arkansas “has the biggest watermelons in the world.”

J:该我说你落伍了!他们都是耶鲁法律系的学生。希拉里比克林顿早一届。她开始 注意他是有一次克林顿在那儿吹嘘他的家乡生产“世界上最大的西瓜。”

K: Is that true?


J: I don’t know. Clinton was also deeply attracted by Hillary but dared not to talk to her,so he often followed her.


K: Then what happened?


J: It was in the law library, Clinton kept staring at Hillary until she is at the end of her rope ' Then Hillary approached Bill and said, “Look,if you're going to keep staring at me, and I’m going to keep staring back, I think we should at least know each other. I’m Hillary Rodham. What’s your name?”

J:有一次,在法学院图书馆,克林顿一直盯着希拉里看,直到希拉里忍无可忍了, 就走过来对他说:“瞧,如果你打算一直盯着我,我也要回叮你。我想,我们至 少应该互相认识一下,我叫希拉里,你叫什么名字?”

K: How did Clinton respond?


J: The talkative young man was so embarrassed that he was frozen there, racking his brains to recall his own name but failed.

J:这个平时夸夸其谈的小伙子窘得呆站在那里,绞尽脑汁却想不起来自己叫什么名 字。

K: Ha ha, it’s so funny.
