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3. He can just go to bars and pick up women.

Pick up a woman 或是 hit on a woman 都是男生们在认识美眉时常用的讲法,pick up a woman 意指去“钓一个女生”,而 hit on a woman 则是“找人家搭讪”的意思。通常在学校里或是教堂里所认识的女生都是比较乖比较守规矩的,不会跟你乱来的,所以通常他们要钓,就会去酒吧找那些所谓的 easy woman (容易到手的女人)。

另外还有一个讲法 make a pass at someone 在酒吧里也很常用。它的意思可以是实际的挑逗、勾引行为,或是单纯的眉目传情。例如:I tried to make a pass at her, but she wasn't interested.我试着跟她眉目传情,但她似乎不感兴趣。

4. He made a move on my sister last year and now he's trying to get me.

Make a move on someone 或是 put the moves on someone指的是对某人“展开追求”的意思,例如:I made a move on her last year, but she turned me down.(我去年追她,结果被她拒绝了。) 或是"My brother is trying to put the moves on my best friend because he thinks she is pretty."(我哥哥因为觉得我最好的朋友很漂亮,所以打算追她。)另外有时候老美还说make the first move,意指两个人之中,谁该先主动表白。例如两个人已经当那种暧昧的朋友很久了,女生沉不住气了,就可以说:You are a guy, so you should make the first move. (你是男生,所以应该是你先有所表示才对。)

如果是“正在追求某人”要怎么讲?这一点都不难,我们可以用 go after 或是 chase after。例如:I want to go after a girl in my German class. (我想追在我德文课里的一个美眉。) 或是 Mike is chasing after my ex-gf and I really don't like it. (Mike 正在追我的前任女友,这让我很不高兴。)