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跟艾米丽一起学口语(MP3+文本) 第708期:课堂用语
I'm going to do the roll call now. 下面开始点名。
Did the teacher do the roll call yet?老师点过名了吗?
I'm taking attendance. 我正在点名。
Say 'here' when I cal一分钟口语:Get Wind of Something
一分钟英语口语视频2021-01-25跟艾米丽一起学口语(MP3+文本) 第707期:养宠物
That guy couldn't feed himself, let alone the pets.那个人连自己都养不活,更别说养宠物了。
let alone更不用提...;更别说...He doesn't have enough money for food, let alone bo跟艾米丽一起学口语(MP3+文本) 第706期:日常简单的问候
How is it going?How is everything going?最近怎么样?
You look in a good mood. 你看起来心情很好。be in a good/bad mood心情好/差
How have you been getting along?你们相处怎么样?get跟艾米丽一起学口语(MP3+文本) 第705期:提出邀请
How about going for afternoon tea with me?What about having afternoon tea with me?和我去喝下午茶怎么样?How/What about...?...怎么样?
I want you to be my dance partner.I hope you跟艾米丽一起学口语(MP3+文本) 第704期:表达“不喜欢”
I dislike it.I don't love/like/enjoy it.我不喜欢这个。
I'm not interested in it.我对这个不感兴趣。
I dislike getting up so early every day.我不喜欢每天早起。
I can't跟艾米丽一起学口语(MP3+文本) 第702期:恭喜别人升职
You got promoted/You got a promotion. 你升职了
Your promotion came through.你的升职被批准了
Congratulations on your promotion. 恭喜你获得升职
I hear you got a promotion. 我听说你跟艾米丽一起学口语(MP3+文本) 第700期:调任
总公司Home office. Parent company. Head office. Headquarter.
分公司Branch office. Branch company. Subsidiary company.
市场部门Marketing department.
I got transferred to.../I跟艾米丽一起学口语(MP3+文本) 第699期:预约见面
I need to schedule a meeting with Dr kim.我需要安排跟金博士的会面,
I'd like to schedule a meeting with Dr Kim this Thursday.我想预约本周四与军博士的见面。
When does she come跟艾米丽一起学口语(MP3+文本) 第698期:如何表达自信
I just kick ass. 我太厉害了。kick ass了不起;很棒It is a beautiful place and the restaurants just kick ass.这是个很美的地方,而且餐馆很赞。
I believe I have a good eye for fashion跟艾米丽一起学口语(MP3+文本) 第697期:表示惊讶
I can hardly believe my ears. 我简直不敢相信自己的耳朵。
What a surprise!How surprising!真令人惊讶。
Fancy that! She remembered my name after all those years.真想不到!这么多年后跟艾米丽一起学口语(MP3+文本) 第696期:询问对方结婚
When do you think you'll get married?你觉得你什么时候会结婚?
At what age are you planning to get married?
Do you have any plans to get married?
你跟艾米丽一起学口语(MP3+文本) 第695期:夸赞别人年轻
When's your birthday?/What day were you born?/What is your date of birth?你的生日是什么时候?你是哪天出生的?你的生日是哪天?
What month were you born?/What year were you born跟艾米丽一起学口语(MP3+文本) 第694期:如何“评价”别人
judge/dʒʌdʒ/评判Don't judge a book by its cover.不要根据封面去评价一本书。Don't judge a man by his apperance.不要根据人的长相去评价一个人。
询问对方是什么样跟艾米丽一起学口语(MP3+文本) 第692期:out of question和out of the question有什么区别
out of question毫无疑问
He's out of question the best student in the whole class.毫无疑问,他是班级最优秀的学生。
It's out of question that she can pass the final exa跟艾米丽一起学口语(MP3+文本) 第689期:超实用的点餐对话
For here or to go?在这吃还是带走?
I'll have a burger supreme, large fries and a coke, please.我想要一个超级汉堡,一大份炸薯条和一杯可乐。Could I have a burger supreme, large跟艾米丽一起学口语(MP3+文本) 第688期:询问以及回复“对方家庭情况”
How big is your family?你家有多大?
How many people are there in your family?你们家有几口人?
How many brothers and sisters do you have?你有几个兄弟姐妹,
Do you have any brothe跟艾米丽一起学口语(MP3+文本) 第687期:如何“夸赞”别人做的棒
Nice/Good job/Well done/Way to go/Great/Super干得好/做得好/就这么做/棒/好极了/
/Awesome/Incredible/Fantastic/Superb/Nice/Wonderful太出色了/太不可思议了/好极了/无与伦比/干得好/好极跟艾米丽一起学口语(MP3+文本) 第686期:在理发店
I'd like a perm/haircut.我想烫发/剪发。
I think curly hair will look best on you. 我觉得卷发适合你。
What kind of perm would you like to have?你想要什么样的烫发?
Can you ha跟艾米丽一起学口语(MP3+文本) 第685期:非常高兴
I'm so happy.我太高兴了。
I'm overjoyed.简直让我喜出望外。
I'm flying.我有点飘飘然。
I'm delighted.我很高兴。
I'm so happy, I can hardly contain myself. 我太跟艾米丽一起学口语(MP3+文本) 第684期:如何“请求原谅”
I beg your pardon.请原谅我
Pardon/Excuse me, please.请原谅我。
Please forgive me/my son.请原谅我儿子
Please forgive me for forgetting your name/breaking the promise.请原谅我,忘跟艾米丽一起学口语(MP3+文本) 第683期:保持身材与健康
What do you do to stay in shape/to stay healthy?你怎么保持身材健康?
Do you work out?你锻炼吗?
How often do you work out?你多久锻炼一次?
What kind of exercise do you do?你做什跟艾米丽一起学口语(MP3+文本) 第682期:办公室喊谈话
Could you come to my office later?你过会能来我办公室吗?
I need you to come by my office later/right now/when you get a chance.你过会儿/现在/有时间的时候来我办公室。
Do you have跟艾米丽一起学口语(MP3+文本) 第680期:追求喜欢的人之前,先得弄明白这件事
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend now?你现在有男朋友/女朋友吗?
Are you dating/seeing anyone now?你现在谈朋友了吗?
Are you married/single?你结婚了/单身吗?
You mean everythi跟艾米丽一起学口语(MP3+文本) 第679期:下班后酒吧走一波
Let's hit a few bars tonight.咱们今晚去逛几个酒吧吧。hit the books/road/shower/sack看书/上路/洗澡/睡觉
I want to go to a new place I heard about for drinks.我想去我听说过的那个
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