美国人每天说的电视及新鲜俚语Unit10-1 在海滩上 At the Beach 俚语地道说法
At the Beach
Scott and Rick are out surfing.
Scott: The big mama's fully macking insanely gnarly grinders with corduroy to the horizon. The conditions are most excellent!
Rick: I'm with you, brah. I was so amped this morning that I busted a few real early and got so lunched doing a tip floater on this one hair ball, I thought I was gonna aqua boot.
Scott: Me, too. As I was petting the cat comin' out of the green room of this one clean peeler, I started bogulating and just about ate the cookie. I think the nip factor got to me. I must have looked like such a barney to all the grommets out there.
Rick: Cowabunga! Check out the gnarlatious betty laceratin' over there! I'm gonna go dial in on her!
Scott: Gel, dude. I hear she's a total wilma…fully geeklified. Forget her. What do you say we get some grunts and go scrut at my house?
Rick: Good idea. This beach is zooed out anyway.
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