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Section One: Listening Comprehension
1. (A)She needs to find a different roommate.
   (B)She thinks the man should get a haircut
   (C)She didn't recognize the man because of his haircut
   (D)Few people have noticed her roommate's haircut
2. (A)Call for the latest weather report
   (B)Ask the woman for direction to the library
   (C)Go to the library to do research for the field trip
   (D)Call his professor about the field trip
3. (A)She can't find her car
   (B)Her car isn't insured
   (C)She'll inspect her car for damage
   (D)She's trying to find out about the insurance
4. (A)He agrees with the woman
   (B)He hasn't been to a game recently
   (C)He doesn't think the team has been playing well
   (D)He doesn't know much about baseball
5. (A)He has never been to the auditorium
   (B)He wants to stop and ask for directions
   (C)The woman won't be late
   (D)The program in the auditorium has already begun
6. (A)Arrive at class on time
   (B)Finish his assignments more promptly
   (C)Get his watch fixed
   (D)Get notes about the class from a friend
7. (A)He plans to sing a song at the audition
   (B)He thinks the woman should be in the play
   (C)He thinks the woman should invite someone else to the play
   (D)He's not interested in performing with the drama club
8. (A)She's too sick to have visitors
   (B)She picked up her brother last night
   (C)Her brother's flight was canceled
   (D)Her brother has changed his plans
9. (A)He has a very high phone bill this month,too
   (B)The woman should contact the phone company
   (C)The woman should make fewer long-distance calls
   (D)He'll help the woman pay her phone bill
10. (A)Help Laura with her paper next week
    (B)Ask Laura to clean the apartment by herself
    (C)Ask someone else to clean the apartment with Larua
    (D)Ask Laura to wait until next weekend to do the cleaning
11. (A)He hasn't read the committee's report yet
    (B)He'll encourage the committee to finish the report soon.
    (C)The committee took longer to finish the report than expected
    (D)The committee's report contains mistakes
12. (A)She's afraid of getting hurt
    (B)She won't be free this weekend
    (C)She'd rather go to Mount Hope
    (D)She prefers to go skiing by herself
13. (A)She realizes the equipment is easily damaged
    (B)She won't forget to put away the equipment
    (C)She always performs experiments carefully
    (D)She's worried about the results of her experiment
14. (A)He doesn't want the woman to give him money
    (B)He doesn't remember bow much the groceries cost
    (C)The concert tickets were inexpensive
    (D)He had forgotten about the concert
15. (A)Turn on the television
    (B)Change the channel immediately for the woman
    (C)Continue watching the nature program
    (D)Check to see when the nature program is on
16. (A)She also would like to work for the school newspaper
    (B)The man has too many books to carry
    (C)The man has a very busy schedule
    (D)The man took more than five classes last semester
17. (A)Tell her more about the exhibit
    (B)Invite someone else to the museum
    (C)Take a course in art history
    (D)Ask Mary when the exhibit will begin
18. (A)His housemate doesn't want the windows closed
    (B)His housemate is responsible for paying the electric bill
    (C)The windows are hard to close
    (D)He's anxious for the weather to warm up
19. (A)The play will be performed at another location
    (B)The woman didn't intend to attend the play
    (C)It isn't possible to cancel the play
    (D)The play was going to be performed outside
20. (A)She'd prefer to go to a different restaurant
    (B)She'll join the man for dinner
    (C)She has been to the restaurant before
    (D)The man should order spaghetti at the restaurant
21. (A)She thought the furniture would be more expensive
    (B)She doesn't remember how much the furniture cost
    (C)She still tired from carrying the furniture into the house
    (D)The furniture is too big for the house
22. (A)She'd like to watch television with the man
    (B)The man shouldn't waste his time watching television
    (C)The man should watch a different program
    (D)The television program doesn't start until later in the evening
23. (A)Help the woman repair her car
    (B)Help the woman find a job
    (C)Cancel the woman's appointment for her
    (D)Take the woman to her doctor's office
24. (A)Try to switch hours with someone else
    (B)Ask his boss to raise his pay
    (C)Look of a more suitable job
    (D)Do the extra work without complaining
25. (A)She knows why Bob is angry
    (B)Bob isn't really angry with the man
    (C)Bob will probably remain angry until the man apologizes
    (D)The man should ask Bob to apologize