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26. (A)He'll move into his new apartment in a couple of months
    (B)He'd like the woman to help him move into the apartment
    (C)He hopes Pete will move into the apartment soon
    (D)The apartment might be too expensive for him
27. (A)Look for a bigger mirror on sale
    (B)Take the mirror back to the store next week
    (C)Leave without buying the mirror
    (D)Hang a picture next to the mirror
28. (A)She's worried that the man will miss next week's deadline
    (B)She doesn't know when the deadline for tuition payment is
    (C)The man should have paid his tuition a week ago
    (D)The man has all week to pay his tuition
29. (A)It's too late to join the soccer team
    (B)The mans grades have begun to improve recently
    (C)The man might not have enough time to play soccer
    (D)The man should continue to improve his soccer skills
30. (A)He finds Dr.Langston's lectures boring
    (B)He pays close attention to Dr.Langston's lectures
    (C)Dr.Langston's lectures are short but challenging
    (D)He doesn't usually sit through an entire lecture
31. (A)A study group
    (B)Studio Art 101
    (C)The man's painting
    (D)A professional artist
32. (A)Making a gift for the woman
    (B)Working on a class assignment
    (C)Discussing his career
    (D)Preparing to teach an art class
33. (A)study paintings by other artists
    (B)Go to her father's art exhibit
    (C)Show the instructor his sketches
    (D)Change the color of the sky in his painting
34. (A)By listening to her father
    (B)By working for an artist
    (C)By talking to the studio art instructor
    (D)By taking several art courses
35. (A)Take a history exam
    (B)Go to an art exhibit
    (C)Meet some classmates
    (D)Help the man with his painting
36. (A)The difficulty of raising animals on farms in colonial America
    (B)Traffic problems in colonial American cities
    (C)Population growth in colonial American cities
    (D)Economic conditions in colonial America
37. (A)By widening the streets
    (B)By using coaches to provide free public transportation
    (C)By preventing carts from entering town
    (D)By making laws to keep farm animals off the street
38. (A)Carts scared the pigs away
    (B)Carts injured a large number of people
    (C)Carts often moved too slowly
    (D)Carts broke down too easily
39. (A)They used carts for collecting garbage
    (B)They used pigs to get rid of garbage
    (C)They burnt the garbage
    (D)They set up trash cans
40. (A)The advantages of traditional surveying methods
    (B)Using satellites to communicate with mountain climbers
    (C)Obtaining new information about a mountain
    (D)Controlling satellites from the top of a mountain
41. (A)To indicate how climbers communicated
    (B)To show that climbers enjoyed many comforts
    (C)To show that modern telephones work at high altitudes
    (D)To emphasize how small some equipment had become
42. (A)Detailed maps from previous studies
    (B)Recent advances in technology
    (C)Plenty of funding for the study
    (D)Experience carrying heavy loads up mountains
43. (A)To carry information that would help determine elevation
    (B)To provide accurate weather reports
    (C)To relay information from scientists around the world
    (D)To indicate which route the mountain climbers should take
44. (A)The adaptations of the African grass mouse to its environment
    (B)The sleeping habits of the African grass mouse
    (C)The effect of intense sunlight on the diet of the African grass mouse
    (D)The habitat of the African grass mouse
45. (A)It has a flattened shape
    (B)It has an extra layer of pigmented tissue
    (C)It has a furry covering
    (D)It has a large cranial cavity
46. (A)They are active during daylight hours
    (B)Their heads are exposed to sunlight while they sleep
    (C)They have only partially adapted to their tropical environment
    (D)Their wings are easily damaged by ultraviolet radiation
47. (A)The increase in the number of congressional representatives
    (B)The process of hiring congressional staff members
    (C)The role of congressional representatives' aides
    (D)The structure of congressional elections
48. (A)Research foreign policy issues
    (B)Communicate with the aides of other congressional representatives
    (C)Help citizens solve problems
    (D)Oversee local elections
49. (A)To compare the duties of politicians in different countries
    (B)To point out that too many laws are proposed
    (C)To emphasize the importance of Congress
    (D)To explain why a congressional representative needs a large staff
50.(A)Negotiating deals with other congressional aides
   (B)Suggesting laws that will be popular with local voters
   (C)Managing a representative's financial interests
   (D)Creating new ways to campaign for their bosses