栏目广告位一 |
No.1 忽略文章标题 大部分同学都会有这样的做法,跳过标题直接看文章。实际上,标题不仅仅是一篇文章的主题所在,更可以利用它来预判文章的内容,甚至是结构,这一点是至关重要的。
托福阅读2020-07-24 -
Dinosaurs rapidly became extinct about 65 million years ago as part of a mass extinction known as the K-T event, because it is associated with a geological signature known as t
托福阅读2020-07-24 -
As relative newcomers to the Southwest, a place where their climate, neighbors,and rulers could be equally inhospitable, the Navajo created these art forms to affect the world
托福阅读2020-07-24 -
托福阅读备考请提前准备词汇 如果基础一般的同学,想要参加托福考试,最好提前3-4个月准备起来。一本好的词汇书是必不可少的。其实背哪一本词汇书不是重点所在,重要的是能够持之以恒,每
托福阅读2020-07-24 -
The answer to the first question is that carbon dioxide is still found in abundance on Earth, but now, instead of being in the form of atmospheric carbon dioxide, it is either
托福阅读2020-07-24 -
一、阅读速度取决于短时间内理解长难句的能力 大家在看长难句的时候,多思考,一个句子为什么这么长,常见的修饰成分到底有哪些?其实不多,连词、非谓语动词、介词以及同位语或插入语。
托福阅读2020-07-24 -
The strength of the Athenian aristocracy was further weakened during the rest of the century by the rise of a type of government known as a tyranny, which is a form of interim
托福阅读2020-07-23 -
Anaximander,observing the motions of the heavens around the polestar, was probably the first of the Greek philosophers to picture the sky as sphere completely surrounding Earth
托福阅读2020-07-23 -
For example, in traditional architecture, stone or brick walls served a structural role, but in a steel-beam building the walls were essentially hung from the internal skeleton
托福阅读2020-07-23 -
It has been said that Chinese papermakers were among the prisoners captured in a battle fought near Samarqand between the Chineseand the Muslims in 751, and the technique of pa
托福阅读2020-07-23 -
Many prehistorians believe that farming may have emerged dependently (in several different areas of the world) (when small communities, (driven by increasing population and a d
托福阅读2020-07-23 -
How the first governments took shape in these areas is not certain, but anthropologists studying the evolution of human communities in various parts of the world have discovere
托福阅读2020-07-23 -
The principal elements in behavioral thermoregulation are basking (heliothermy),heat exchange with substrates such as rock or earth (thigmothermy),and diurnal and annual avoid
托福阅读2020-07-23 -
The increase in food production in these regions led to a significant growth in population, while efforts to control the flow of water to maximize the irrigation of cultivated
托福阅读2020-07-23 -
The tropics contain a larger surface area of land than higher latitudes——a fact that is not always evident when we examine commonly used projections of Earth's curved surfac
托福阅读2020-07-23 -
Cleisthenes' principal contribution to the creation of democracy at Athens was to complete the long process of weakening family and clan structures, especially among the arist
托福阅读2020-07-23 -
However, no group or species can maintain its dominance indefinitely, and when, after over 200 million years, the age of dinosaurs came to a dramatic end about 65 million years
托福阅读2020-07-23 -
Success in colonization depends to a great extent on there being a site available for colonization ---- (a safe site) (where disturbance by fire or by cutting down of trees has
托福阅读2020-07-23 -
The Peisistratids, as the succession of tyrants were called (after the founder of the dynasty, Peisistratos), strengthened Athenian central administration at the expense of the
托福阅读2020-07-23 -
A fertile, plowed field is rapidly invaded by a large variety of weeds, whereas a neighboring construction site from which the soil has been compacted or removed to expose a co
托福阅读2020-07-23 -
The first steps toward change were taken by Solon in 594 B.C., when he broke the aristocracy’s stranglehold on elected offices by establishing wealth rather than birth as the
托福阅读2020-07-23 -
They possess drought-resisting adaptations: loss of water through the leaves is reduced by means of dense hairs covering waxy leaf surfaces, by the closure of pores during the
托福阅读2020-07-22 -
They include roots or rootlike structures, a waxy cuticle that covers the surfaces of leaves and stems and limits the evaporation of water, and pores called stomata in leaves a
托福阅读2020-07-22 -
These include conducting vessels that transport water and minerals upward from the roots and that move the photosynthetic products from the leaves to the rest of the plant body
托福阅读2020-07-22 -
Lesley Maynard, the archaeologist who coined the phrase “Panaramitee style,” suggested that a sequence could be determined for Australian rock art, in which a geometric style
栏目广告位二 |