Internet Initial Public Offering (iIPO) service 网上认购新股服务
internet order connection 开放式网间联系买卖
interpretive guidelines 说明指引
in-the-money option 价内期权
intraday liquidity 即日流动资金
intra-day margin 即日额外按金
intra-day margin call 即日追补按金
intra-day marks collection mechanism 收取即日差额缴款机制
Intra-day Marks Collection Report(clearing) 即日差额缴款报告(结算)
intra-day marks payment obligations 应付即日差额缴款
intra-day money market 单日货币市场;即日拆借市场
intraday quotation 即日报价
intraday repurchase agreement(banking) 即日回购协议(银行)
intra-group transactions 集团内部交易
intranet 内联网
intrinsic value 内在值
introducing agent 介绍代理人
introduction(listing method) 介绍形式上市
inventory 存货;盘存
investee 投资对象
investment adviser 投资顾问
Investment Advisory Committee 投资顾问委员会
investment analyst 投资分析员
investment grade 投资级别
Investment Management Regulatory Organisation (IMRO) 英国投资管理监管组织
investment philosophy 投资理念
Investment Services Directive (ISD)(European Union) 投资服务指令(欧洲联盟)
Investment-linked Assurance & Pooled Retirement Funds Committee(SFC) 与投资有关的人寿保险及集资退休金计划委员会(证监会)
Investor Account Service 投资者户口服务
Investor and the Stock Market(publication) 《投资者与证券市场》(刊物)
Investor Compensation Company Limited 投资者赔偿有限公司
Investor Participant (IP) 投资者户口持有人
isolated trades system(CCASS) “已划分的买卖”制度(中央结算系统)
issue price 招股价;发行价
issuer 发行人;发行机构
issuer electronic filing system 发行人电子存档系统
Issuer Register 发行人登记册
Issuers and Professional Advisers Survey 《发行人及专业顾问意见调查》
issuer's cash option 发行人可选择支付现金;发行人现金选择权JBRI see Japan Bond Research Institute
Japan Bond Research Institute (JBRI) 日本公社债研究所
jobber 证券经销经纪;证券批销经纪
jobber stamp duty 证券经销经纪印花税
jobbing transaction 庄家之经销交易
Joint Individual Investor Account 联名个人投资者户口
joint stock company 股份有限公司
joint venture 合营企业;合资企业
joint venture contract 合资合同
jumbo certificate(CCASS) 大额股票(中央结算系统)
jumbomize 将股票化零为整
junk bond 垃圾债券
Kam Ngan Stock Exchange, The 金银证券交易所
kiting 做价
Know More About Your Investment(publication) 《投资者应知多点》(刊物)
Kowloon Stock Exchange, The 九龙证券交易所
LAF see Liquidity Adjustment Facility(HKMA)
LAN see Local Area Network
LAW see Liquidity Adjustment Window
LBO see leveraged buy-out
LIFFE see London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange
LIFO see last in, first out
LOBO see Long Only Brokers for Options
LOF see listed open-end fund
LSE see London Stock Exchange
LTOM see London Traded Options Market
large cap stock 大型股
Large Exposure Report Agreement 大额持仓汇报协议
large open position 大额未平仓合约
last accounting date 最后结算日期
last exercise day 最后行使日
last in, first out (LIFO) 后进先出
last recorded price; last traded price 最后成交价
late reported sales 迟报交易
late trading 逾时交易
Law Society of Hong Kong, The 香港律师会
lead manager 主要经办人
lead underwriter 牵头包销商;主承销商*
leading economic indicator 主要经济指标
legal entity 法律实体
legal person share(Mainland China) 法人股(中国内地)
legal risk 法律风险
lender of last resort 最后贷款人;紧急贷款者
lending fee 贷出费
"let the buyer beware" principle “买者自负”原则
Letter of Exchanges regarding regulatory co-operation for mainland companies to be listed on GEM 有关创业板内地发行人监管合作事宜之换文
level playing field(cf uneven playing field) 公平竞争
leverage 杠杆效应
leveraged buy-out (LBO) 杠杆收购
leveraged foreign exchange introducing agent 杠杆式外汇买卖介绍代理人
leveraged foreign exchange trader 杠杆式外汇买卖商
leveraged foreign exchange trading 杠杆式外汇交易;杠杆式外汇买卖
Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trading(Calls) Rules 《杠杆式外汇买卖(造访)规则》
Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trading (Financial Resources) Rules 《杠杆式外汇买卖(财政资源)规则》
Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trading Ordinance 《杠杆式外汇买卖条例》
leveraged market 杠杆市场
liabilities 负债;债务
licence 特许;牌照
licensed bank 持牌银行
licensing information booklet 发牌资料册
Lifeboat Loan 救市贷款
"Lifeboat" levy 救市特别交易征费
light trading 交投疏落
limit order 限价盘
limited liability company 有限责任公司
liquid asset 速动资产;流动资产
liquid capital 速动资金;流动资金
liquidation 清盘
liquidation(ie forced sale of securities to meet a margin call) 斩仓
liquidity 流通性
Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF)(HKMA) 流动资金调节机制(金管局)
Liquidity Adjustment Window (LAW) 流动资金调节窗
liquidity margin 流动资金比率/幅度
liquidity provider 流通量提供者
liquidity ratio 流动资金比率
liquidity risk 流通风险
List of Exchange Participants & Holders of Stock Exchange Trading Rights 《交易所参与者及联交所交易权持有人名录》
List of Stock Codes 《证券代号名录》
Listed corporation 上市法团
listed issuer 上市发行人
listed open-end fund (LOF) 上市开放式基金
listed securities 上市证券
Listing Agreement 上市协议
Listing Chinese Companies in Hong Kong(publication) 《中国公司在香港上市指南》(刊物)
Listing Committee 上市委员会
listing rules 上市规则
loan capital 借贷资本
loan facility 贷款融通
loan stock 债务证券;债券;债权股额;贷款债券;
loan syndicate 贷款银团
Local Area Network (LAN) 区域网络;部份区域网络
locked position 锁仓
locked up 冻结
London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE) 伦敦国际金融期货及期权交易所
London Stock Exchange (LSE) 伦敦证券交易所
London Traded Options Market (LTOM) 伦敦期权市场
Long Only Brokers for Options (LOBO) “只限长仓”期权经纪
long options contract 期权长仓合约
long position 长仓;多头*
MACD see Moving Average Convergence-Divergence
Mass ATI see Mass Account Transfer Instruction
MBO see management buy-out
MESDAQ see Malaysian Exchange of Securities Dealing and Automated Quotation Bhd
MORC see Memorandum of Regulatory Cooperation
MOU see memorandum of understanding
MPF see Mandatory Provident Fund
MSCI Hong Kong Index see Morgan Stanley Capital International Hong Kong Index
MWS see Multi-workstation System
M1 狭义货币供应量
M2 广义货币供应量
Maastricht Treaty 马城条约
main board 主板;第一板
Mainland/Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement 《内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》
Mainland/Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement - Arrangements relating to Qualifications of Securities and Futures Industry Practitioners 《内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排 - 与证券及期货人员资格有关的安排》
maintenance margin(futures) 维持按金;补仓按金(期货)
major shareholder 主要股东;大股东
major transaction 主要交易;重大交易
maker-checker facility(CCASS) “输入与核对分工”功能(中央结算系统)
Malaysian Exchange of Securities Dealing and Automated Quotation Bhd (MESDAQ) 马来西亚证券交易所交易及自动报价系统
management buy-out (MBO) 管理层收购;自发性收购
management fee 管理费用
management shareholder 管理层股东
Management, Supervision and Internal Control Guideline(SFC) 《管理、监督及内部监控指引》(证监会)
manager 经办人
mandatory bid; mandatory offer 强制性收购建议
Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) 强制性公积金
Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) 强制性公积金计划管理局
margin 按金;保证金;“
internet order connection 开放式网间联系买卖
interpretive guidelines 说明指引
in-the-money option 价内期权
intraday liquidity 即日流动资金
intra-day margin 即日额外按金
intra-day margin call 即日追补按金
intra-day marks collection mechanism 收取即日差额缴款机制
Intra-day Marks Collection Report(clearing) 即日差额缴款报告(结算)
intra-day marks payment obligations 应付即日差额缴款
intra-day money market 单日货币市场;即日拆借市场
intraday quotation 即日报价
intraday repurchase agreement(banking) 即日回购协议(银行)
intra-group transactions 集团内部交易
intranet 内联网
intrinsic value 内在值
introducing agent 介绍代理人
introduction(listing method) 介绍形式上市
inventory 存货;盘存
investee 投资对象
investment adviser 投资顾问
Investment Advisory Committee 投资顾问委员会
investment analyst 投资分析员
investment grade 投资级别
Investment Management Regulatory Organisation (IMRO) 英国投资管理监管组织
investment philosophy 投资理念
Investment Services Directive (ISD)(European Union) 投资服务指令(欧洲联盟)
Investment-linked Assurance & Pooled Retirement Funds Committee(SFC) 与投资有关的人寿保险及集资退休金计划委员会(证监会)
Investor Account Service 投资者户口服务
Investor and the Stock Market(publication) 《投资者与证券市场》(刊物)
Investor Compensation Company Limited 投资者赔偿有限公司
Investor Participant (IP) 投资者户口持有人
isolated trades system(CCASS) “已划分的买卖”制度(中央结算系统)
issue price 招股价;发行价
issuer 发行人;发行机构
issuer electronic filing system 发行人电子存档系统
Issuer Register 发行人登记册
Issuers and Professional Advisers Survey 《发行人及专业顾问意见调查》
issuer's cash option 发行人可选择支付现金;发行人现金选择权JBRI see Japan Bond Research Institute
Japan Bond Research Institute (JBRI) 日本公社债研究所
jobber 证券经销经纪;证券批销经纪
jobber stamp duty 证券经销经纪印花税
jobbing transaction 庄家之经销交易
Joint Individual Investor Account 联名个人投资者户口
joint stock company 股份有限公司
joint venture 合营企业;合资企业
joint venture contract 合资合同
jumbo certificate(CCASS) 大额股票(中央结算系统)
jumbomize 将股票化零为整
junk bond 垃圾债券
Kam Ngan Stock Exchange, The 金银证券交易所
kiting 做价
Know More About Your Investment(publication) 《投资者应知多点》(刊物)
Kowloon Stock Exchange, The 九龙证券交易所
LAF see Liquidity Adjustment Facility(HKMA)
LAN see Local Area Network
LAW see Liquidity Adjustment Window
LBO see leveraged buy-out
LIFFE see London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange
LIFO see last in, first out
LOBO see Long Only Brokers for Options
LOF see listed open-end fund
LSE see London Stock Exchange
LTOM see London Traded Options Market
large cap stock 大型股
Large Exposure Report Agreement 大额持仓汇报协议
large open position 大额未平仓合约
last accounting date 最后结算日期
last exercise day 最后行使日
last in, first out (LIFO) 后进先出
last recorded price; last traded price 最后成交价
late reported sales 迟报交易
late trading 逾时交易
Law Society of Hong Kong, The 香港律师会
lead manager 主要经办人
lead underwriter 牵头包销商;主承销商*
leading economic indicator 主要经济指标
legal entity 法律实体
legal person share(Mainland China) 法人股(中国内地)
legal risk 法律风险
lender of last resort 最后贷款人;紧急贷款者
lending fee 贷出费
"let the buyer beware" principle “买者自负”原则
Letter of Exchanges regarding regulatory co-operation for mainland companies to be listed on GEM 有关创业板内地发行人监管合作事宜之换文
level playing field(cf uneven playing field) 公平竞争
leverage 杠杆效应
leveraged buy-out (LBO) 杠杆收购
leveraged foreign exchange introducing agent 杠杆式外汇买卖介绍代理人
leveraged foreign exchange trader 杠杆式外汇买卖商
leveraged foreign exchange trading 杠杆式外汇交易;杠杆式外汇买卖
Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trading(Calls) Rules 《杠杆式外汇买卖(造访)规则》
Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trading (Financial Resources) Rules 《杠杆式外汇买卖(财政资源)规则》
Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trading Ordinance 《杠杆式外汇买卖条例》
leveraged market 杠杆市场
liabilities 负债;债务
licence 特许;牌照
licensed bank 持牌银行
licensing information booklet 发牌资料册
Lifeboat Loan 救市贷款
"Lifeboat" levy 救市特别交易征费
light trading 交投疏落
limit order 限价盘
limited liability company 有限责任公司
liquid asset 速动资产;流动资产
liquid capital 速动资金;流动资金
liquidation 清盘
liquidation(ie forced sale of securities to meet a margin call) 斩仓
liquidity 流通性
Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF)(HKMA) 流动资金调节机制(金管局)
Liquidity Adjustment Window (LAW) 流动资金调节窗
liquidity margin 流动资金比率/幅度
liquidity provider 流通量提供者
liquidity ratio 流动资金比率
liquidity risk 流通风险
List of Exchange Participants & Holders of Stock Exchange Trading Rights 《交易所参与者及联交所交易权持有人名录》
List of Stock Codes 《证券代号名录》
Listed corporation 上市法团
listed issuer 上市发行人
listed open-end fund (LOF) 上市开放式基金
listed securities 上市证券
Listing Agreement 上市协议
Listing Chinese Companies in Hong Kong(publication) 《中国公司在香港上市指南》(刊物)
Listing Committee 上市委员会
listing rules 上市规则
loan capital 借贷资本
loan facility 贷款融通
loan stock 债务证券;债券;债权股额;贷款债券;
loan syndicate 贷款银团
Local Area Network (LAN) 区域网络;部份区域网络
locked position 锁仓
locked up 冻结
London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE) 伦敦国际金融期货及期权交易所
London Stock Exchange (LSE) 伦敦证券交易所
London Traded Options Market (LTOM) 伦敦期权市场
Long Only Brokers for Options (LOBO) “只限长仓”期权经纪
long options contract 期权长仓合约
long position 长仓;多头*
MACD see Moving Average Convergence-Divergence
Mass ATI see Mass Account Transfer Instruction
MBO see management buy-out
MESDAQ see Malaysian Exchange of Securities Dealing and Automated Quotation Bhd
MORC see Memorandum of Regulatory Cooperation
MOU see memorandum of understanding
MPF see Mandatory Provident Fund
MSCI Hong Kong Index see Morgan Stanley Capital International Hong Kong Index
MWS see Multi-workstation System
M1 狭义货币供应量
M2 广义货币供应量
Maastricht Treaty 马城条约
main board 主板;第一板
Mainland/Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement 《内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》
Mainland/Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement - Arrangements relating to Qualifications of Securities and Futures Industry Practitioners 《内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排 - 与证券及期货人员资格有关的安排》
maintenance margin(futures) 维持按金;补仓按金(期货)
major shareholder 主要股东;大股东
major transaction 主要交易;重大交易
maker-checker facility(CCASS) “输入与核对分工”功能(中央结算系统)
Malaysian Exchange of Securities Dealing and Automated Quotation Bhd (MESDAQ) 马来西亚证券交易所交易及自动报价系统
management buy-out (MBO) 管理层收购;自发性收购
management fee 管理费用
management shareholder 管理层股东
Management, Supervision and Internal Control Guideline(SFC) 《管理、监督及内部监控指引》(证监会)
manager 经办人
mandatory bid; mandatory offer 强制性收购建议
Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) 强制性公积金
Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) 强制性公积金计划管理局
margin 按金;保证金;“