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民事法律 ( x )

                             (   x   )

习惯法 customary law
先买权 preemption
显失公平 obvious unjust
限制行为能力 restrictive capacity for act
相对权 relative right

相对人 counterpart; offeree
相邻权 neighboring right; relatedright
肖像权 right of portraiture
协议离婚 divorce by agreement 
协作型联营 cooperation-type coordinated management

胁迫 duress
新颖性 novelty
信用担保 credit guarantee
行为 act
行为能力 capacity for act

形成权 right of formation
姓名权 right of name
修改权 right of modification; right of revision
选择权 right of choice
选择之债 alternative obligation